The full text of the speech held at the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations†held at Rhodes, September 2003 (see ). Printed in “World Affairsâ€, vol. 7, no 4, New Delhi 2003; internet form:
European Conquista, which began roughly 500 years ago, was originated, in large extend, by the missionary spirit of Catholic Christians, trying to fulfill the Christ’s demand expressed in the Gospel of John: “And I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also… So there shall be one flock, one shepherd.†The Catholic period of world’s conquest was soon replaced by the Protestant one, with the Bible as the source of ideas to be implanted everywhere. And the Bible calls for the extermination of hostile to “sheep†wild beasts (which task has been successfully accomplished in Western countries), and for the transformation of the word in a way so the “God’s chosen flock†will live in a perpetual peace and safety. These “chosen†in Protestant understanding are men who managed to amass “pleasing the God†riches. Born thanks to such religious interpretation of God’s orders, capitalism quickly spread all over the planet, causing not only tremendous devastation of earth resources, but also the ever increasing division between “good†(rich) and “evil†(poor) social classes and nations. Ultra-Protestant and Zionist, so-called “neo-conservative†lobbies, which sized power in USA (and Israel) of today, overtly preach the “final crusadeâ€, which will eliminate last “rogue statesâ€, remaining from the socialist period of the 20 century. This purgation of Earth shall be followed by the creation of “New Global Israelâ€, where “LORD will become king over all the earth; on that day LORD will be one and his name one. The whole land shall be turned into plain, but Jerusalem shall remain aloft and shall dwell in security â€. The realization of this 2,5 thousand years old plan will permit the second return of Christ and the expected End of Times, before which “chosen†will be directly raptured out. These are creating the actual reality ideas, which radiate from highest circles of power in USA, and against this insanity we seem to be completely defenseless at present.
I’ve read an opinion that the „globalization†– which means the total political and cultural unification – become automatically decided once Magellan in 1521 has made the first naval trip around the Earth. The fact that we had to wait for the subsequent 500 years for “globalization of the Globe†is attributed solely to the lack of appropriate technical means to attain this goal. But is the unification of Mankind an “automatic goal†towards which we are inexorably heading? Thanks to an article written by Austrian philosopher Dr. Siegfried E. Tischler, teaching at present somewhere in Indonesia, I learned that Magellan was not the first one to make the trip around the Earth, already in 1241 the fleet of Chinese junks performed the same exploit [1].
Why do than Chinese, while disposing few centuries ahead of Europeans appropriate technical means, did not engaged themselves into the route of planetary conquest? I read that exactly five hundreds years ago, following the order of Chinese Emperor, the biggest and best in the world at that time fleet of junks was burned at Chinese ports. After a period when Chinese merchants were colonizing already West Coast of Africa, approaching Europe from the South, China turned towards the self-imposed isolation, which lasted until 1841, the date of “opening†of the coastal city of Canton by the bombardment performed by flourishing English navy. Historians attribute this “antiglobalist†tilt in Chinese foreign politics to the Confucian philosophy dominating in the Empire of Middle. Namely, men of commerce and high rank military commanders, pushing for the global conquest – which formed the “Party of Eunuchs†at the Chinese Court – were considered, by grown in Confucian traditions imperial bureaucracy, to be a disruptive force, which risked to corrupt spiritual fundaments of the State of Harmony, laid by Confucius two thousand years earlier.
Interested in the Perfection of their social order, Chinese elite had not “internal†incentives for a pursuit of an external conquest. Europeans, to the contrary, since the very appearance of modern Europe, have an “internally in-build†drive towards imposition of their cultural (and political) hegemony everywhere. This impulse towards never ending conquista was (and still is) is provided by our religion, known under the general term of Christianity. The “Holy Mission†of the world unification was supposedly ordered by Jesus Christ himself, who in Gospel of St. John gave a following instruction to his apostles: And I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice. So there shall be one flock, one shepherd [2].
The Christianization of countries issued of Roman Empire was achieved in a slow and relatively peaceful way, but once missionaries crossed the limes of Antique Rome the “evangelization†began to reach ever more wicked forms – to mention only the Teutonic Order of the Holy Mary, which in 13 and 14 century totally exterminated Baltic pagan tribes of Jadzwings and Prussians. Not to say about atrocities which accompanied the not so distant in time “Christianization†of both Americas, in particular of the present territory of USA, where more than hundred Indian nations simply vanished during the 19 century.
As suggests it Noam Chomsky in his book “Year 501†the Conquest Continues, at present the whole set of “disobedient to LORD†nations seem to be slated for extermination in the semi-official “Project of New American Century†(PNAC) at which I will put some light later. In particular this shall be the fate of these nations, which inadvertently worship LORD’s competitor called Allah. The “neo-conservative†elite in power in USA of today without any shame affirms that it engaged itself in the final accomplishment of a mission proclaimed by Christ so there shall be one flock, one shepherd.
In Gospels Jesus teaches “by their fruits you will recognize themâ€, and since USA is the most “Christianized†at present Western industrial country [3], so by visiting USA we shall see the best the direction this “Kingdom of Lord†is heading for. And what we see if we “walk by sight and not by faith (in power of USA)†– which means if we behave in a way forbidden to Christian “sheep†by Apostle Paul [4]? It is sufficient to travel a bit inside this “Wasteland†(as calls its native country Theodore Roszak) to recognize the unbelievable ugliness of its cities, the unhealthy obesity of its inhabitants, the depletion of its natural resources, its millions of prisoners recruited mostly from whole quarters of crime, to feel that something is very wrong with this supposedly “Christian†super-state.
If the internal situation of the country, which contains so many (nearly 60 percent!) of peeople considering themselves to be “Christiansâ€, is so sinistrous (as claim it both external and internal observers of “American way of lifeâ€), so it must be something wrong with this “mission from Lordâ€, America is supposed to incarnate. Where from this demand “there shall be one flock, one shepherd†originated? In the Gospel of Mathew Jesus tells his disciples “Go nowhere among the gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel [5]. It is only after his resurrection Jesus takes the pose of a Supermen and assures his (doubting in his real presence) apostles All authority in heaven and on the earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations [6]. Only in the Gospel of John, which was written around year 110, when thanks to missionary efforts of St. Paul already thousands of gentiles become christianized, Jesus assures his listeners, well before his crucification, that he has a superhuman capacity to lay down my life and to take it again, this in order to realize the supposedly “good shepherd’s†mission of imposing “one flock, one shepherdâ€, everywhere on the earth [7].
Moreover, when one reads carefully the Bible, one finds that Jesus quoted in Gospel of John merely repeats prophecies of earlier spiritual leaders of Israel, in particular these of Zechariah and Ezekiel, who lived 5 – 6 centuries BC. In particular Zechariah states And the LORD will become king over all the earth; on that day the LORD will be one and his name one [8]. Was it thus possible that texts of Gospels were manipulated in order to make of them a tool of “New Israel’s†conquest, which was not desired at all by the real Jesus, who considered all earlier leaders of Israel to be “thieves and robbers†[9]?
Professional investigators of texts of New Testament have discovered that several miracles done by Jesus, were “borrowed†(to use a euphemism) from pagan myths well known to the Greek population of Palestine. A friend of mine, Prof. Ludwik Kostro from the University of Gdansk – who as a clergy man has studied in 1970-ies both physics and biblical sciences at Rome’s La Sapienza Catholic University – informed us during a seminar that the famous miracle of changing water into wine at Kana of Galilee is a “plagiary†of a similar miracle done by the Greek god Dionysos, and moreover, it was feasted by early Christians on January 6, the date of pagan festivity of Dionysos. According to competent catholic researchers from La Sapienza University, Jesus disciples in order to heighten their hero willfully attributed to him potentials of known (at their time) gods of gentiles. (The superhuman capacity of Dionysos to resurrect after being torn into pieces evidently was also attributed to Jesus, as confirms it His statement inserted into Gospel of John – I may lay down my life and to take it again… ).
If this catholic “La Sapienza†interpretation of Gospels is valid, it is evident that Jesus disciples attributed to Him also these ambitious – and noble in appearance – prophecies of Israeli spiritual leaders, which prophecies were incessantly repeated in Israel of their times. And thanks to Christian “sheep†these Jewish prophecies, conceived about 2,5 thousand years ago, become really immortal: Jesus’ demand “one flock, one shepherd†is clearly echoed in 20 century Hitler’s call for totality “Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Führer†(One State, One Folk, one Leader).
Here we come to a point, which I elaborate in more detail in a larger paper. A careful reading of “Letters†of Christ’s most prominent apostles – in particular of these of St. Paul and St. Peter – confirm the suspicion that the “Christ crucified†has become a vessel (a tool, a “God’s mindless lambâ€, or – to use the American preferred expression – a “gadgetâ€), which willy-nilly facilitates the intoxication of believers with completely perverted ideas of Old Testamental prophets. These 2,5 thousand years old ideas, once put into realization, AUTOMATICALLY must lead to the total corruption and devastation of our planet.
The discovery that the message of the New Testament is in its essence the same as that of the Old one is not new. Our contemporary, the Talmud translator and editor Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz described Christianity as “simplified Judaism, adapted to the childish minds of Gentilesâ€. This conceited opinion is contradicted by a Rabbi’s grandson Karl Marx, who claimed, in the middle of 19 century that “Christianity is the sublime Judaist thought, while Judaism is a sordid utilitarian application of Christianity†.[10] As a person grown in catholic environment of “papist†Cracow I cling rather to Karl Marx opinion. New Testament is indeed a sublimation of Judaist thought, in particular of ideas of prophet Isaiah conceived roughly 500 years BC. The ‘mindset’ of this blind prophet transpires from “Letters†of both most prominent apostles, Peter and Paul. St. Peter writes for example in his “I Letterâ€:
Christ suffered for you… He committed no sin, no guile was found on his lips… He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree (it means the cross) that we may die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed [12].
Such explication of the Mystery of Redemption is a faithful copy of a text “sufferings of God’s servant†written 500 BC by prophet Isaiah .[13] This very important fragment of the Bible was elucidated by contemporary Austrian theologian R. Schwager in a following way: Wicked people (gangsters) unite against righteous, and through a violence done to him they throw on him their own crimes. The role of God in this process consists of making the servant (or God’s Son in case of Jesus) apt to withstand voluntarily the sufferance inflicted upon him [14]. For Schwager it is thus evident that God, imagined by prophet Isaiah, is a hidden collaborator of a specific Crime Syndicate – which “Syndicate of God’s Servants†Jesus called simply “Brigand’s Cavernâ€.
There is a very important problem with this, modeled at Isaiah’s prophecy, “redemption of Christian sins by Christ’s Passionâ€. The Cross, symbolizing Christ’s Passion, has become a kind of an opiate, a kind of morphine which inactivates in believers specifically these brain centers (front lobes) where ethical conscience is localized, and which centers create the feeling of pain (so called “pricks of conscienceâ€) when someone is committing a fraudulent action. If one believes in redemptory power of the Cross, his sins simply “disappearâ€. Due to this psychological phenomenon, believers in Redemption do not have incentives to develop their endogenous ethical system, necessary for so called ‘independent thinking’. It means that in the shadow of Cross the most unethical behaviors can proliferate. For St. Paul – as well as for St. Peter – was evident that servants can be abused by their utterly selfish masters (as their appraisal of “sufferances of God’s servant†indicate it). St. Paul additionally claims that “all power comes from Godâ€, so no one is aloud to revolt against social injustices, not only of the slave system of the Antiquity, but also of the corporate serfdom of the Modernity. In his lack of a deeper moral sentiment, St. Peter goes even to the appraisal of the conjugal submissivity of Sarah to Abraham, which Sarah was compelled, by her enterprising husband-brother, to work as a ‘sexual gadget’ at Pharaoh and other Middle-East courts, contributing in this way to the fortune gathered by this “righteous†Father of Nations [15].
The Father of the Church, who successfully changed Christian temples and monasteries into “machines†to collect riches of all accessible world, was St. Augustin, living roughly four hundred years after Christ. In his opus “De doctrina christiana†he proposed a sophisticated (indeed) method of collection of goods belonging to pagans, modeled on extrication by Jews of the wealth of pagan inhabitants of Egypt, just prior to their Exodus from this antique, hosting Jews for 400 years, country .[16] St. Augustin was fully conscious that without appropriate redemptory sacrifice this “appropriation of pagan wealth†would not be successful – and he gives as an example the behavior of Moses who ordered paschal offerings for “salvation†of his Robber Tribe from the pursuit of Pharaoh’s armies. Having in mind the salvatory meaning of Jewish pasha, Augustin rationally proposed, referring to the wisdom of St. Paul [17] that “our pasha is Christ offered for us†[18].
Reasoning in a way proposed by their highest spiritual authorities, Catholic coquistadores had not pricks of conscience while robbing riches they found in freshly discovered by them countries of America and Asia. The Chinese, observing the insatiable, insane greed of Portuguese sailors and merchants, called them ‘white devils’. These “Christian†merchants of course eagerly paid tribute to the Authority, which legitimized their ethically dubious conquests. The opulence at that time of Vatican has been truly extraordinary: in Rome during the Renaissance worked about hundred thousand of prostitutes, serving innumerate clerical and court missions pilgrimaging to Saint Siege.
It is necessary to stress that the principle “one flock, one shepherd†realized by Catholic Church had not immediate, disastrous for bio-diversity of the Planet, consequences: Indian tribes conquered by Spaniards managed somehow to survive, and to incorporate their endogenous cultures into frames imposed by Church. Big wild animals were preserved in royal forests, for they served as a game for catholic aristocracy. And the cultural and linguistical diversity of European countries was assured thanks to Latin as international language, used only by a narrow educated elite.
But the opulence and hypocrisy of “God’s servants†of that time was too visible for jealous inhabitants of European cities. The invention of printing press accelerated the outburst of their discontent, modeled not so much on teachings of Jesus but on these of St. Paul. Soon the Hebrew Bible, translated to national languages, has become an object of idolatry among sedentary (bourgeois) classes of Europe. And what is the essence, the “Ding an Sich†as would say Kant, of this book, which shapes until now our Civilization? Rabbi’s grandson Karl Marx was right when he wrote that the true God of Jews is Money. This opinion about “God†of Jews (and of rich Christians) we can read already in letters of Roman emperor Hadrian. Which suggests that the Hebrew Bible is trivially a book of an “invisible god†called by Syrians MAMMON. I was surprised up to which point biblical texts are becoming transparent when we substitute the frequently repeated there word LORD by Mammon: it is in answer to the Call Of Mammon Abraham (Abram) lef Ur to seek fortune in Egypt; also Jacob made Covenant With Mammon, after he stripped Esau from family heritage. It was in all evidence Mammon who ordered Moses to rob Egyptians prior to Jews Exodus from this host country, and surely Mammon instructed Moses to order his kin Levies to slain three thousands of their “brothers and sons†under Mount Sinai. This in order to throw on these innocent Golden Calf worshippers the sin of cupidity, which sin was filling Levies’ souls up to insanity.
If the Bible, taken as a whole, is the BOOK OF MAMMON, than the idolatry of this Book automatically transformed Protestant countries into counties of Invisible Mammon’s Kingdom: in agreement with teachings of Luther and Calvin men in “God’s (it means Mammon’s) Grace†were only these, which were affluent and businessminded – which gave an unknown in any other civilizations impulse for the tremendous industrial and financial development. The allegedly Christ’s demand “one flock, one shepherdâ€, which earlier was interpreted in terms loosely related to affairs of everyday economy, by simpleminded Protestants become interpreted strictly in a manner given by biblical recipes. By a careful reading of these ancient “words which become fleshâ€, we can easily trace the overall direction into which our world is heading.
In a book of prophet Ezekiel we find a following “God’s orderâ€: And I will set up over them one shepherd, my servant David, he shall feed them … And I LORD will be their God, and my servant David shall be prince among them. … I will make with them a covenant of peace, and banish wild beasts from the land, so they may dwell securely … and none shall make them afraid [19]. The part of this project of Ezekiel, which relates to dangerous for “sheep†animals, was fully accomplished in most advanced countries of Western Civilization: in huge and densely forested Alps, and on Scandinavian Peninsula, big predatory animals practically do not exist, while in nearby Carpathians, where the density of population is similar to this in Alps, thanks to recent “gentile†communist regimes (and to Habsburg’s Catholic monarchy earlier), we have still thousands of bears, wolves and lynxes.
The demanded by Ezekiel suppression of not only wild beasts, but also of men, which may endanger the wellbeing and safety of “God’s chosenâ€, is also under realization – and this is in fact the “divine mission†of United States of America. “Chosenites†(in Protestant, especially Calvinist understanding of this term) are men which are rich, which dispose of bank accounts, luxury cars, houses and of all these items which please the “Lord†called Mammon. So Americans killed (by an unexpected shot into its head, like did it this biblical hero David) the “Empire of Evil†in form of the Soviet Union, where the personal enrichment was in fact heavily limited by Marxist dogma of predominance of State (and not Private) property.
Clifford Longley writes in his recent book “Chosen People”†[20] that The United States of America no longer needs to call upon God; it is God, and those who go abroad to spread the light, do so in the name of a celestial domain. … Those foreign states, which seek to change this policy, are wasting their time: you can negotiate with politicians; you cannot negotiate with priests. This means that NO DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONS IS POSSIBLE, all of us have to incline to orders of LORD, exactly as predicted it Isaiah 2,5 thousand years ago: For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish; those (gentile) nations shall be utterly laid waste [21]. Details how this will be accomplished furnishes a document called PNAC (Project of New American Century) commented in a following way by David Chiang [22]:
The Bush Administration is primarily composed of rightwing ideologues closely associated with the Zionist settler movement in Israel. Several years ago, Paul Wolfowitz and other current administration insiders composed a document entitled „A Project for a New American Century (PNAC)â€. In the document, they called for the establishment of absolute global hegemony utilizing unilateral American military power. The overthrow of Iraq was to be followed by Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and eventually China. (…) PNAC proposes that the United States and Israel jointly share hegemony over Middle East oil reserves. Assuming Bush’s reelection, Iran is the next nation scheduled for regime change according to my friends in Washington.
Prophet Ezekiel assures his readers my servant David shall be prince among them, so also this “LORD’s (it means USA) project†will be soon realized. The method of its imposition will probably be exactly the same as the method, which used Christians (considering themselves to be “New Israelitesâ€) in late Antiquity to size the power in Roman Empire. At that time their “pasha†for this act of appropriation of imperial power was Christ Crucified (“Pasha†autem “nostrum immolatus est Christus†wrote St. Augustin). Nowadays “pasha†for Jewish onslaught on power in Global Empire is the martyrdom (Holocaust, or full immolation) of these 6 millions of poor Jews from Central Europe. (They committed no sin, no guile was found on their lips – to use words of St. Peter imitating Isaiah.) As it was the case of Conquista, when the Cross successfully obliterated crimes of Spaniards in America, Auschwitz Memorial of today successfully redeems crimes of Zionists in Palestine and everywhere else.
In year 313 Emperor Constantin promulgated the “Tolerance Edictâ€, and by a mystery it happen, that immediately after, instead of tolerance to various religions, the eastern part of Roman Empire become an Orthodox Christian Theocracy. Is it thus possible that in oncoming years we will witness a similar mystery in USA, where religious tolerance is inscribed into Constitution? To size power in Bizantium in such covered way, Christians had to be, prior to this “coup d’étatâ€, well organized, with ‘influence agents’ placed in most sensitive organs of Constantin’s Empire. This is precisely the situation we have inside USA of today. The information about activities of Chabad Lubavitch Chassidic movement I’ve seen for the first time on August 19 this year, but if this sect – whose ‘influence agents’ in White House are supposed to be Paul Wolfowitz and senator Liberman – is able to organize activities for a million of young Jews yearly, and its budget solely in Russia is 20 million of dollars, its chances to influence sensibly our lives in nearby future are quite real. The danger that we will have soon a strictly racist, “Chassidic†(“piousâ€) theocratic regime in USA, sharply increased after remotely commanded plane crashes in Manhattan towers on September 11 2001. This attack, blamed on Islamists, was a trigger of a “Final War for Jerusalemâ€, as pertinently observes it author of the article summarized in the footnote [23], who observes that the cover-up of criminal negligence of NORAD system that crucial day was assured by Sen. Carl Levin, a supporter of Chabad Lubavitch.
The idea that Jews provide a “glue†(literally a “religionâ€) necessary for the unification of humanity was expressed not only in the Bible and in these famous (although forbidden in liberal Europe) “Protocolsâ€. The Israeli war commander David Ben-Gurion predicted World Government already by 1987, when in 1962 LOOK magazine invited him and other leaders to picture the world 25 years into the future. Not only World-Government was supposed to be created before the end of the Second Millenary, but the Supreme Court for Mankind was supposed to be established in Jerusalem (and not in Hague), as well as a shrine there, commemorating the Jewish role in the bringing-together of mankind [24].
If we scrutinize carefully Biblical prophecies, we discover that not only wild beasts will be eradicated, that all nations will pray to the same LORD, and that Jerusalem (“The site of peaceâ€) will dominate over all world. The Holy Bible states also that the all land beneath Jerusalem’s Shrine of Unified Mankind will be… flat. This says the prophecy of Zechariah, from which Jesus Christ apparently borrowed his, repeated two thousand years later by Hitler and Ben Gurion, assertion So there will be one flock, one shepherd. The full Zechariah prophecy is as follow: LORD will become king over all the earth; on that day LORD will be one and his name one. The whole land shall be turned into plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem. But Jerusalem shall remain aloft (…) and shall dwell in security†.[25] Zechariah limited the proposed plain to the center of Palestine, but other prophets were overtly dreaming that the LORD (USA in understanding of Clif Longley) will change his Chosen People into a kind of a Super-Bulldozer: you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make hills like chaff. … Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and rough place a plain [26] Of course all this “pleasing the LORD (i.e. Mammon)†devastation of not monotonous enough wilderness has to be done in order to “make straight highways for our LORDâ€, which commandment, as assured me a friend, catholic priest-emeritus from Wroclaw, has to be taken literally.
If we look in a broader manner at all these, arduously executed biblical programs, we see the future world in form of a flat, monotonous and sterile desert (a “Wastelandâ€), animated only by obese and shortsighted “chosenites†turning around objects of their idolatry: cars, conditionned boxes to dwell in, and rising to sky banks. Not to say about these 8-meter high concrete walls and barbed wire fences, which symbolize the “Eretz Israel†contribution to Architecture of rising Global Empire. Karl Max was really horrified, when he realized that the inhuman, inanimate word, which earlier existed only in ill imagination of (blind) prophets of his tribe, is becoming the real one, thanks to efforts of “mammonists†of 19 century. At the beginning of Third Millenary the situation is even worse, I’ve seen in Germany, just after its unification, how they literally “slice†mountains in order to “make straight freeways of our LORDâ€, locally worshipped under the name of Mercedes-Benz.
The Jean Piaget’s research in personality development informs us that young men – as all other higher animals – thanks to numerous interactions with their environment, develop in their brains neuronal structures forming a kind of “assimilation†of this environment. If human environment is flat, easy, sterile and deprived of stimuli necessary to develop the personal strength, agility and courage, the cortex of adults adapted to these conditions is also relatively flat, with only few folds, where all associative processes occur. The “flat world†necessarily translates itself into flat cortex of its dwellers, and vice versa, projects of word “flattening” (i.e. uniformization) can be born only in brains with flattened cortices. This is without doubt the reality of ‘mindset’ of all globalists, beginning from antique Isaiah and his gang of prophets, through apostles Peter and Paul, St. Augustin, Reeb Schneerson, Ben Gurion, Bush, Wolfowitz, Liberman and all this Chabad Lubavitch Chassidic clique.
Of course, the “The Global Flock†lead by this “Shepherd†groupie, is supposed to “walk by faith not by sightâ€, which surely will end up in a global disaster. What kind of a disaster we are heading for, told us a graduate from West Point in mid 1960-ies, at present professor of philosophy (of Catholic origin) at Joint Special Operations University at Florida, dr Robert Hickson during the last year’s “Mut zur Ethik†Congress at Feldkirch in Austria. He said literally this:
It would be illuminating to understand the influences and motivation behind what has been called not just our (USA) “messianic foreign policyâ€, but our “apocalyptic foreign policyâ€. The “Protestant Christian Zionists†are certainly a significant influence in this direction, basing their political-military views on their “dispensationalist theology†and rather stark views about “the end of timesâ€, although “the chosen of God†will purportedly be “raptured out†before “the Armageddon comes†and then their “Messiah will returnâ€. Moreover, there are certain segments of Jews who are striving to (re)built “the Third Temple of Jerusalemâ€, which would require the prior desecration and destruction of the mosque, and likely produce an enormous war, if not even more serious devastations.
Does exist any possibility to escape from this laborious insanity, which indeed, may end up in the transformation of the planet Earth into a subsequent belt of astreoids turning around the Sun? I propose to look once again at information I quoted at the beginning of this lecture. Chinese discovered America already in 1241, and despite their technical supremacy, they did not engaged in its conquest. All these mentioned above, ultra potent “groupiesâ€, pushing for the creation of “New Global Israelâ€, consider themselves to be heirs of these Semitic Hebrew “pious†(Chassidic) gangsters-idiots, always in search for new occasions to suck and to wreck subsequent nations. But for me all these Bushes, Wolfowitzes, Libermans and their “cabal†conspicuously resemble to these Chinese high War Commanders and financial tycoons, who 500 hundred years ago formed the super potent Eunuch’s Party at the Court of the Empire of the Middle. And Chinese have managed somehow to scale down the sterile, anti-zoological (which means, hostile to our senso-motorial development) ambitions of this early version of the present Global Eunuch’s Party of Conquest.
References and footnotes:
[1] Discovery of North America was in 1241 by a fleet of chinese ships during the first circum-navigation of the globe (Magellan was not the first either!) / M. Xu on Olmec Culture as derivate of pre- Qin-Dynasty chinese culture (November 2002 – US NEWS and WORLD REPORT)
[2] Jn. 10, 16.
[3] Statistics indicate that about 60 pct of population of USA actively believes in some form of Christianity, in comparison to 30 pct in Canada, not to say about the situation in France where only 2 pct of recently born babies are baptized.
[4] II Cor. 5,7
[5] Mt. 10, 5-6.
[6] Mt. 28, 18.
[7] Jn. 10, 14-18.
[8] Zh.14, 9.
[9] Jn. 10, 8
[10] Quotations from yet not edited book of Israel Shamir „Our Ladu of Sorrowâ€.
[11] It exists a Jewish myth, according to which all prophets of Israel were blind.
[12] I Pt. 2, 22-24.
[13] The Isaiah’s recipe concerning utilization of „Sufferance of God’s servant†is as follow:
[53, 4]: Surely (God has permitted that) he has borne our griefs; and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted;
[53. 5]: But (he voluntarily accepted that) he was wounded by our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and (thanks to God) with his stripes we are healed.
[53, 9]: And they made his grave with the wicked (…) although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.
[14] R. Schwager quoted by father Stanislas Wójcik in a book „Dramat odkupienia†(The Drama of Redemption), Byblos, Tarnów, 1997.
[15] See I Pt. 3, 6, and also Gen. 12, 11-14, 20, 2-14.
[16] See Ex. 3, 22.
[17] I Cor. 5,7.
[18] In Latin Ita enim sentit, quamuis de Aegypto diues exeat, tamen, nisi pasha egerit, salurum se esse non posse. “Pasha†autem “nostrum immolatus est Christus.†– „La doctrina christianaâ€, XLI 62.
[19] Ez. 34, 23 –28.
[20] A summary of Clifford Longley book “CHOSEN PEOPLEâ€, published in 2002, was given in the article “US leaders now see themselves as priests of a divine mission to rid the world of its demonsâ€, by George Monbiot Tuesday July 29, 2003 The Guardian,,12271,1007813,00.html
[21] Is. 60, 12
[22] Sun, 10 Aug 2003 12:40:29 -0400 From: “David Chiang”
[23] A resume of an article by Carol Valentine „The LUBAVITCHERS – a THEOCRACY in AMERICA?â€
( Copyright, May, 2002. May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes)
We can argue about who is most to blame, but the facts remain the same Congress and the White House have been helping to establish a theocracy in America. That’s right, in America — the nation that used to be a land of religious freedom.
The would-be leaders of new theocracy: Want to abolish Christmas, (…) Want to establish a caste system in the US based on heredity and religion, Want to force US citizens to embrace a synthesized “religion” invented for a servant class
This may sound incredible, but it is as real as the ground beneath your feet, and as serious as a heart attack. I can document everything I have said. Let me fill you in on the details. The would-be theocratic leaders that Congress and our presidents have been promoting are members of a sect called Chabad Lubavitch, headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. Lubavitchers are a subset of the Hasidic (sometimes spelled “Chasidic”) Jews. Doctrinally, Hasidic Jews rely on the Talmud, on the Zohar (the basic book of kabbalah or “calabah”),and on the Tanya (or “Hatanya”) written by the founder of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, Rabbi Shneur Zalman
For contemporary Lubavitchers, the most admired is late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the “Lubavitcher Rebbe,” or simply “the Reeb.” Some Lubavitchers consider the Reeb their Messiah and await for him to return from the dead (he died in 1973); other say that the Messiah is really the Jewish people themselves. If all that is beginning to sound weird and fringy, realize that the Lubavitchers do not confine themselves to Brooklyn, New York.They have immediate and constant access to the President of the United States: George Bush’s Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer, a Reform Jew, works the Lubavitcher mission.
The most prominent backer of the Lubavitchers on Capitol Hill is Senator Joseph Lieberman (D.Conn.), an Orthodox Jew, and the former candidate for the Vice-Presidency of the United States.The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), has commended Chabad Lubavitch “ideals” in a Senate floor statement.Jewish members of Congress regularly attend seminars conducted by a Washington DC Lubavitcher rabbi.The Assistant Secretary of Defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz the Comptroller of the US Department of Defense, Dov Zakheim (an ordained Orthodox rabbi), and Stuart Eizenstat, former Deputy Treasury Secretary, are all Lubavitcher groupies.
According to the Jerusalem Post of October 19, 2001, “Chabad is a potent force: 2,600 institutions around the world, large numbers of English-speaking rabbis, control of most of Judaism in Italy as well as the chief rabbinate of Russia (its Russia budget alone is $20 million a year). It is an organization with immense world-wide financial resources . . . In fact, Chabad is a movement of monumental importance. Observant Jews are profoundly dependent on its emissaries all over the world . . . its rabbis dominate or are poised to dominate Jewish communities in astartling number of countries.”
The Jewish Virtual Library tells a similar story: “More than 3,700 emissary couples work in more than 100 countries worldwide. Since 1995, more than 400 shlichim (emissaries) were assigned to new posts and more than 500 new Chabad institution [sic] have been established, bringing the total to nearly 2,600 institutions (seminaries, day camps, schools, etc) worldwide. According to headquarters, almost one million children participates [sic] in Chabad activities worldwide in 1999.”
The Lubavitchers are proselytizers, but of a different sort. They want to make all Jews — Reform, Conservative or Orthodox –hyper “Jewish.”Thus we see Orthodox Jews like Lieberman and Reform Jews like Fleischer standing side-by-side working the Lubavitcher program.Lubavitchers don’t want to convert non-Jews to Judaism – they want Jews to understand they are a class apart from everyone else.
How will this Final War for Jerusalem be fought? First, the opposing forces will disappear. The Messiah [the Jews] will teach the Word of G-d to all nations, causing Christianity and other religions to disappear. The bible says that everyone will become a Hasidic Gentile . . .Now we see what role the Gentiles in the US military will play in the “Final War for Jerusalem.” The US military will help Islam to “disappear.”
On September 11, 2001, remote-controlled planes were used to crash into the WTC and Pentagon sites.The hits were carried out with the full knowledge and consent of the North American Aerospace Command and blamed on Muslim terrorists. Know that the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D.-Mich.) is a supporter of Chabad Lubavitch. We can now understand why, on September 13, 2001, just two days after the catastrophe, Levin allowed Gen. Richard B. Myers, Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 11, 2001, and a former NORAD commander, to bob and weave and lie about events that day.After watching him so perfrom, Levin and his committee confirmed Myers as the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We can understand why, on October 25, Sen. Levin allowed Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, commander of NORAD on September 11, 2001, to bob and weave and lie about events that day.Levin was protecting, and will continue to protect, the two treasonous American generals who helped forward the cause of world Jewish domination. (…) The significance of the 9-11 terror becomes more obvious each day. The purpose of the 9-11 terror was to springboard the “Final War for Jerusalem.”
[24] David ben Gurion LOOK magazine Jan 16, 1962: .
[25] Zh. 14, 9-11.
[26] Is. 41, 15 and 40, 4
Marek Glogoczowski
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