
Furthest Right

Posts Tagged ‘paganism’



(March 24th, 2025) by Brett Stevens | Comments.

Promethean Nihilism

Promethean Nihilism

(February 28th, 2025) by Brett Stevens | Comments.

Why I Am Not an Atheist

Why I Am Not an Atheist

(February 27th, 2024) by Brett Stevens | Comments.

Rediscovering Our Forgotten Roots

Rediscovering Our Forgotten Roots

(March 9th, 2023) by Brett Stevens | Comments.

Approaching the Godhead

Approaching the Godhead

(May 28th, 2022) by D.A. R.G. | Comments.

Pursuing the Original Proto Indo-European Faith

Pursuing the Original Proto Indo-European Faith

(March 30th, 2022) by Brett Stevens | Comments.

Toward a European Religion

Toward a European Religion

(March 11th, 2021) by Brett Stevens | Comments.



(January 29th, 2020) by Brett Stevens | Comments.

Christianity Burned Long Before Notre-Dame

Christianity Burned Long Before Notre-Dame

(April 18th, 2019) by Brett Stevens | Comments.

Why Christianity Took Over Europe

Why Christianity Took Over Europe

(January 9th, 2019) by Brett Stevens | Comments.