- Be Careful What You Wish For (05/24/2021)
- News (May 23, 2021) (05/23/2021)
- What We Learned From Nearly Two Years of COVID-19 (05/23/2021)
- News (May 22, 2021) (05/22/2021)
- Democracy Loves Drama (05/21/2021)
- Why Our Elites are Incompetent (05/20/2021)
- Games People Play (05/19/2021)
- Blaming Politicians is Pointless Scapegoating (05/19/2021)
- We Return to 1970s Inflation (05/18/2021)
- Control Versus Darwinism (05/18/2021)
- How The Far-Right Can Deal With Being Mainstreamed (05/17/2021)
- Trendless (05/17/2021)
- News (May 16, 2021) (05/16/2021)
- Why Capitalists Love Communism (05/14/2021)
- Why The Left Went Progressive In the 2000s (05/14/2021)
- Lotism (05/13/2021)
- Diversity Explodes in Israel (05/12/2021)
- Big Ish (05/12/2021)
- GoodReads Now Offers a Brett Stevens Quotations Archive (05/11/2021)
- Why Conservatives Made Themselves Slaves to Racial Equality (05/11/2021)
- Diversity Does Not Work (#6) (05/11/2021)
- Autism or PTSD? (05/11/2021)
- Total Nihilism from an Unusual Source (05/11/2021)
- Being “Christian Libertarians” Will Not Save Us (05/10/2021)
- News (May 7, 2021) (05/08/2021)
- Diversity Does Not Work (#5) (05/07/2021)
- Remembering Cinco de Mayo (05/06/2021)
- Republicans Get Ready to Make ACB / MLK Mistake with Caitlyn Jenner (05/06/2021)
- SETI and the Death-Rattle of Amerikan Science (05/06/2021)
- What Does the One Ring Represent? (05/06/2021)
- Return of Caste (05/05/2021)
- Rules-By-Software, or Why Not to Trust the Manipulative Geeks (05/04/2021)
- How the Soviets Thoroughly Penetrated Western Espionage (05/03/2021)
- Deshaun Watson’s Last Touchdown (05/02/2021)
- Waverider (05/01/2021)
- News (April 30, 2021) (04/30/2021)
- Makhia Bryant, Berserker (04/30/2021)
- The Yamnayist (04/30/2021)
- It’s Not Just the GOP: Introduction to the Grifter Right (04/29/2021)
- Wandering the Toilet Lands (04/29/2021)
- Elites Refuse to Take This Society at Face Value (04/28/2021)
- Why They Want Legal Weed (04/28/2021)
- Individualism vs. Realism (04/27/2021)
- Commuting Revealed (04/26/2021)
- Fears of Nihilism Reflect Fear of Reality (04/26/2021)
- Removing Coca-Cola From Our Lives is a Win Anyway (04/26/2021)
- News (April 23, 2021) (04/23/2021)
- Why Conservatives Always Lose (04/23/2021)
- Master Suppression Techniques (04/22/2021)
- What “Sob Stories” Mean (04/22/2021)
- Thought Distortions (04/21/2021)
- OJ II (04/20/2021)
- Cell Phones, Karens, Capitalism, and the Uniparty (04/20/2021)
- A Quiet Burial for the F-35 (04/19/2021)
- News (April 16, 2021) (04/16/2021)
- Make Humans Great Again (04/16/2021)
- Leftism is One Manifestation of a Mental Health Issue (04/15/2021)
- Why The Government Lies About Inflation (04/14/2021)
- Austrian Economics (04/13/2021)
- Media Runs on an Economy of Fear (04/13/2021)
- Human Resources Versus Results-Based Engineering (04/12/2021)
- Communism Takes Aim at Nihilism (04/11/2021)
- Rejecting Multi-Nationalism In US / EU Just as In Israel (04/11/2021)
- News (April 9, 2021) (04/09/2021)
- How They Broke You (04/09/2021)
- Addressing the Boomer Question (04/08/2021)
- Formalizing Democracy (04/07/2021)
- Addressing Political Risk Caused by Leftist Language (04/06/2021)
- Anatomy of a Diversity Shakedown and Kickbacks (04/05/2021)
- Biden Formalizes the Intention Behind the Hart-Celler Act: Replace Whites (04/05/2021)
- Diversity-on-Diversity Chaos Intensifies: Sery Kim (R) Runs for Congress (04/05/2021)
- Back to Marsh v. Alabama (04/05/2021)
- Appeasement (04/05/2021)
- To Reclaim America, Try Production Instead of Criticism (04/04/2021)
- News (April 4, 2021) (04/03/2021)
- Why Did America Shift Left After WW2? (04/03/2021)
- King Trump (04/02/2021)
- Why National Socialism is Not Extreme Enough (04/01/2021)
- Diversity Does Not Work (#4) (03/31/2021)
- How Long Can a White Liberal Party Escape Diversity? (03/31/2021)
- Death Cult (03/30/2021)
- Vertical Elitism (03/29/2021)
- Diversity Does Not Work (#3) (03/28/2021)
- You Read It Here First: Collapse of Internet Advertising (03/28/2021)
- Soylent Green (03/26/2021)
- News (March 25, 2021) (03/25/2021)
- We Revisit The Irish Question Yet Again (03/25/2021)
- Predatory Inclusion (03/25/2021)
- Interview with Philip Atkinson of Our Civilization (03/24/2021)
- Why Are Hate Crimes Against Asian-Americans Rising? (03/24/2021)
- Springtime (03/24/2021)
- Supermarket Slaughter Turns Out Not to be White Supremacy Domestic Terrorism (03/23/2021)
- America Has Lost Its Creativity (03/23/2021)
- Bem (03/22/2021)
- News (March 21, 2021) (03/21/2021)
- CBRN: Surviving Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Events by Piero San Giorgio and Cris Millennium (03/21/2021)
- Democrats Are Creating A Zombie Army of Unemployables (03/19/2021)
- News (March 18, 2021) (03/18/2021)
- Voters Self-Destruct With Good Intentions (03/18/2021)
- Saint Patrick’s Day Represents Extremely Extreme Extremism (03/17/2021)
- News (March 17, 2021) (03/17/2021)
- Investigating “The Ratchet Effect” (03/17/2021)
- Inversion of an Inversion (03/16/2021)
- News (March 15, 2021) (03/15/2021)
- Diversity Destroys Social Cohesion (03/15/2021)
- Why Keystone Got Shut Down (03/15/2021)
- News (March 14, 2021) (03/14/2021)
- Shorting Thermal Energy (03/14/2021)
- Two Worlds (03/14/2021)
- Isolation Destroys The Illusion of Democratic “Togetherness” (03/13/2021)
- The Conservative Case for Being Actually Conservative (03/12/2021)
- Escaping the Cult of Reason (03/12/2021)
- Toward a European Religion (03/11/2021)
- In Praise of the New Politburo Diktat (03/10/2021)
- Talkin’ About Your Generation (and Mine) (03/10/2021)
- Why Is Leftism So Popular? (03/09/2021)
- News (March 8, 2021) (03/08/2021)
- Essentialism (03/08/2021)
- Texas Update (03/07/2021)
- Habits For Surviving 2021 (03/07/2021)
- White Nationalism Threatens Demotism (03/06/2021)
- Entering a Post-Political Era (03/05/2021)
- Political Correctness Comes From the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (03/04/2021)
- News (March 3, 2021) (03/03/2021)
- Neurotic (03/03/2021)
- Why Conservatives Should Be Pro-Transgenderism: Eugenics (03/02/2021)
- Extremes Meet At The End of the Cycle (03/01/2021)
- Why We Need to Move Past Racism to (Ethnic) Nationalism (03/01/2021)
- News (February 26, 2021) (02/26/2021)
- A Bit of Reorganization (02/26/2021)
- What the Robbers Cave Experiment Proved (02/26/2021)
- What are Natural Rights and Natural Law? (02/25/2021)
- News (February 24, 2021) (02/24/2021)
- Driving It Like They Stole It (02/24/2021)
- On That Joe Biden “N-Word Gaffe” (02/23/2021)
- Chiggers (02/23/2021)
- Understanding Dominance (02/23/2021)
- Losing Wars Morally (02/22/2021)
- News (February 20, 2021) (02/20/2021)
- What Went Wrong In Texas? (02/19/2021)
- Despair in Utopia (02/19/2021)
- News (February 18, 2021) (02/18/2021)
- Literally Hitler (02/18/2021)
- Christian Anti-Racism Comes From a Biblical Mis-Interpretation (02/17/2021)
- News (February 16, 2021) (02/16/2021)
- How To Make Kim Kardashian Cry (02/16/2021)
- Operation Choke Point (02/15/2021)
- Ice (02/15/2021)
- How Integration (of an Older Sort) Has Failed (02/14/2021)
- News (February 12, 2021) (02/12/2021)
- What Is “The Big Lie”? (02/12/2021)
- News (February 11, 2021) (02/11/2021)
- Libertarian Communism (02/11/2021)
- News (February 10, 2021) (02/10/2021)
- How Happiness Can Be the Wrong Goal (02/10/2021)
- News (February 9, 2021) (02/09/2021)
- This Way, Western Man (02/09/2021)
- America Was Never Intended to be Egalitarian (02/09/2021)
- Confronting the Global Oligarchy (02/08/2021)
- News (February 6, 2021) (02/06/2021)
- News (February 5, 2021) (02/05/2021)
- “Christian Nationalism” Shows the Clash of Civilizations Emerging (02/05/2021)
- News (February 4, 2021) (02/04/2021)
- America Chooses Between Human Domestication and Grooming (02/04/2021)
- Watching Public Education Collapse During COVID-19 (02/03/2021)
- Democrats Find A New Satan in Marjorie Taylor Greene (02/03/2021)
- So Who Was Responsible for the Capitol Siege? (02/02/2021)
- Equity versus Equality (02/01/2021)
- Periscope (January 31, 2021) (01/31/2021)
- Why Did Trump Hold Back? (01/30/2021)
- How Many Times Do We Believe the Lies? (01/29/2021)
- Planning for a Post-American Future (01/29/2021)
- GameStop Drama Means Game Over For Certain Illusions (01/29/2021)
- How Scumbags Will Sell Themselves As Geniuses (01/28/2021)
- Weak Leaders Pass Sedition Acts (01/27/2021)
- America Chooses the Dark Path of Repression (01/27/2021)
- From Revenge of the Nerds to Napoleon Dynamite (01/27/2021)
- Becoming The Gray Man (01/27/2021)
- They Were Planning the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2013 (01/26/2021)
- News (January 25, 2021) (01/25/2021)
- “Never Trump” Turns Bitter in Their Mouths (01/25/2021)
- A Path to Defeat for Conservatives (01/24/2021)
- Periscope (January 23, 2021) (01/23/2021)
- Real Clear Politics Agrees with Me on Marsh v. Alabama (01/23/2021)
- History of Leftism 1: Karl Marx’s Moratorium on Brains (01/22/2021)
- Heritage Emergency Action Lebanon Aims to Revitalize Tradition (01/21/2021)
- A Road Less Traveled (01/21/2021)
- Disrupting the Titanic (01/20/2021)
- Where Things Stand (01/19/2021)
- The Wall Street Journal Agrees With Me On § 230 (01/19/2021)
- Who Was Responsible for the Capitol Riot Disaster? (01/18/2021)
- American Descendents of Slaves Re-Invents Neoreaction (01/18/2021)
- How to Adapt Democracy to Support Nationalism (01/18/2021)
- Trump Turns Up Heat as America Falls Into Depression (01/17/2021)
- Periscope (January 15, 2021) (01/15/2021)
- Pedophilia as a Control Organ (01/15/2021)
- NPC 3: The Power Of Symbolism (01/15/2021)
- Nü-Americans Versus Heritage America (01/14/2021)
- Timothy Berners Lee Experiences An Alfred Nobel Moment (01/14/2021)
- From The Reichstag Fire to a Berlin 1945 Moment (01/13/2021)