
Furthest Right


A few heretical thoughts to keep you interested:

  • We give extreme negative power to the wrong people in this society. We reward the voice who shouts an epithet from the crowd, maybe “Communist” or “racist” or “elitist,” but never demand accountability for him. As a result, we deprive people of the ability to build especially in the areas where we most need construction.
  • Intelligence is relative. That means that people cannot understand an idea that requires more intelligence than they have in order to conceive of it. This is why we can “educate” people in behaviors, but unless they understand the cause/effect relationship about why those behaviors are superior, they are simply mimicking the original.
  • marionetteCreating misery. In a situation where objections stop change, no real change occurs, and so it treats us to dress up the same old stuff as new and refreshing. This creates a false sense of motion while we really suffer from cabin fever. The difference between what we know inside to be true, and what we can say, then makes us see double.
  • Conservationism. There is only one environmental issue, and that is whether or not we can set aside at last half of earth’s land to be untouched by humans. Nature will replenish itself, including our atmosphere, if given enough space. But when you divide this space with roads and fences and pipelines, or worse still build on it, ecosystems are disrupted and the renewal does not occur. The most green action is to forget green products and simply conserve land in its natural state or let land go to its fallow state.
  • We are conquered. We are a conquered people. We allow our cities to have whole square mile areas where good people don’t go; we accept that our politicians lie to us; we accept that we are under constant assault by news stories that are really salicious entertainment, advertising messages too numerous to count, and cretinous advice from our peers. Only a conquered people tolerates such treatment.
  • Strings attached. A passive person can sabotage any project by adding requirements that are irrelevant and frustrating, driving away the first-rate minds, who hate tedium, and guaranteeing a mediocre result. People feel as if they gain power each time they sabotage something another person is doing.
  • Words and bullets. If shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theatre is considered a fatal lie, why do we excuse movies, books, and pamphlets that tell us lies? Of course: our sacred cow, “freedom.” But what is freedom when the only lies available are the ones that someone wanted to buy before they were told?
  • One child per family. What a great rule — as long as encourage those people who are intelligent, healthy and of good character to have as many children as they can afford, preferably 20 or 30 each. We don’t need more people; we need more good people. We’ve already got enough people who are not particularly good in any way, so make their hobby of sabotaging better people their actual primary goal.
  • Cause and effect. Most people flee inward when trying to predict cause backward from effect, because they know (subliminally) that they will usually identify the medium of transfer as cause when it was something else entirely. Similarly, people like conflict avoidance because they fear conflict, but the conflict wasn’t the cause of itself — another underlying cause remains, and avoiding the conflict just pours the gasoline of discontent on top of the ire of an honest cause, guaranteeing more vicious future conflict.
  • Hippies. Hippies are like people who think you can eat only dessert and still get a nutritious meal. Combat, death, disease, hatred and horror exist from the same mathematic that produced love. Isn’t the greatest love to accept life as a whole, instead of forcing the conditions of our puny human judgment and our callow emotions upon it?

With luck, these’ll lead to a blasphemous week of the best kind — blasphemy against unstated taboos, socially-assured illusions, bad psychology and false advertising.

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