
Furthest Right

Computers imitate the human brain?

When the results came in last month, the Fi7epower had racked up a CPU2006 score of 130. The previous record was 85.5.

In supercomputing terms it had run at 80GFLOPS, or 80 billion floating-point operations per second. That’s 320 times the speed of the world’s first supercomputer, the Cray-1 of 1976. It’s proof of Moore’s law, coined by the Intel co-founder Gordon Moore: that computing power doubles every two years. If the law continues for five more years we’ll have computers capable of running simulations of the human brain.

Times Online

The author means that we will be able to construct biological models of the human brain inside our computers, and then run simulations, or make the physical, chemical, electrical, etc. properties of the brain interact.

This will bring interesting advances to psychology, which may finally realize its irrelevance. “Oh, snap — all of the problems we’ve been treating are the result of genetics creating inherent design flaws!” I doubt they’ll give back the billions we’ve paid them however.

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