
Furthest Right

Biological Peak

What we call nature is the result of how our universe works, which seems to be based on the principles of relativity and distribution. The former means that you do not know hot without cold, and the latter explains why if you grab a handful of seeds, most will be medium size with a few smaller and a similar amount larger.

Distributions most likely arise from relativity. If you have hot and cold, that implies a middle between the two, and since it is a matter of degrees, there is more middle than extremes. Consequently you get a bell curve where most of the action is in the middle with relatively few “pure” extremes.

Perhaps the most famous IQ assessment involves the Bell Curve, which finds that IQ scores also cluster around the middle. Unfortunately, there is also a different type of middle: the peak before the decline. Much as the opposites of randomness and repetition converge at the end of a cycle, populations that select too hard for irrelevant traits drop off:

The researchers sourced their data from the IQ test scores of 18- to 19-year-old Norwegian men who took the tests as part of their national, compulsory military service.

Between the years 1970 to 2009, three decades of these young men (born between 1962 to 1991) were conscripted, resulting in over 730,000 IQ test results.

What the results show is that a turning point for the Flynn effect occurred for the post-1975 birth cohorts, equivalent to 7 fewer IQ score points per generation.

We selected for “people who get along with others and the system” instead of “people who are competent,” and so over time the docile individualists won out over the transcendental realists; it is a Pyrrhic victory because they lose their civilization and future beyond third-world living at the same time. We had to destroy the village to “save” it.

Much of the Flynn Effect Reversal involves the minimal benefits caused by modern hygiene, nutrition, and familiarity with education. Lower parasite load meant better health, better circulation, and better functioning brains. However, that only went so far and then like most illusions dissipated.

Even worse, inclusion of foreign DNA reduced the average. America used to be a country of over 100 IQ points on average, but now it is probably in the high 90s. Generation X was the last generation to benefit from the “WASP surge” not just in IQ but common sense, and the mystery meat hybrids that follow cannot keep up.

Any population of creatures must manage a number of threats. If it inbreeds too much, that crushes it; if it does not select for overall fitness, like by looking at sociability over other traits, genetic drift piles up:

Genetic Drift, a change in the gene pool of a small population that takes place strictly by chance. Genetic drift can result in genetic traits being lost from a population or becoming widespread in a population without respect to the survival or reproductive value of the alleles involved. A random statistical effect, genetic drift can occur only in small, isolated populations in which the gene pool is small enough that chance events can change its makeup substantially.

It can accumulate deleterious mutations through any of these methods. Gene drift, inbreeding, and outbreeding all destroy what it was. Deleterious mutation load (DML) occurs whenever it stops selecting the best, and instead selects for what is convenient.

When that happens, degeneration hits the population as traits that were once rewarded are now worthless and drop out of the population:

He became world famous for his theory that criminality, madness and genius were all sides of the same psychobiological condition: an expression of degeneration, a sort of regression along the phylogenetic scale, and an arrest at an early stage of evolution. Degeneration affected criminals especially, in particular the “born delinquent” whose development had stopped at an early stage, making them the most “atavistic” types of human being

While the West has been domesticating itself by selecting for people who are sociable in a democracy, the quality of its genetics has waned, as the falling IQ statistics show us. It turns out that modern life really will genocide a population unless it applies selection for general fitness.

In particular, meritocracy destroys populations because meritocracy is applied by humans, and therefore selects for those who are good at tests or socializing. Over time, this creates a caste of gumdrop people with bad vision who are excellent at working jobs but oblivious to life outside of human opinions, judgments, and emotions.

These people are — as created by meritocracy! — good at manipulating others into thinking that these meritocrats are in fact the best possible option. When given power, they become narcissistic manipulators, in part because the nature of the genetically lost is to be short-sighted and thus narcissistic, and in part because their role encourages.

You end up with self-centered people being ruled by self-centered liars, and each generation, the genetic health of the population declines. At that point, its only hope for salvation is a mass kill-off of the incompetent, but usually outbreeding has already doomed it to genericism like the populations of the middle east.

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