
Furthest Right

Why the World Seems Anti-White

Egalitarian societies sacrifice whoever is on top. Egalitarians want to make everyone “equal” — legally, politically, socially, economically — by taking from the successful to give to the unsuccessful, therefore creating at least a minimum equal status for everyone.

This is an example of effect-as-cause thinking. Instead of cause-effect, they see an effect like “inequality” and assume it is the cause of itself, therefore it can be reversed by giving out money and power. This is consistent with seeing the world through a symbolic, categorical, and personal — “this has a good/bad effect on me, my desires, and my mental state” — filter, since in the flat world of symbols an effect is its own cause and its reversal its only solution.

Achieving equality cannot be done directly because the less successful are less successful for a reason (in this case, we call that the “cause” of their lower success). Whether it is low IQ, mental health challenges, or low motivation, they end up being less wealthy, socially important, and powerful than those who are naturally successful.

Since they cannot be made more competent, the only solution is to penalize the competent and transfer that wealth, power, and status as a subsidy to the less competent.

Egalitarians see inequality as a cause-in-itself, so that effect and cause are the same, and therefore, do not recognize a reason for inequality other than the intent of some malevolent entity to ruin a perfect natural state of equality; consequently, they see enforced equality — taxes, subsidies, quotas — as the only way to a new Golden Age Utopia.

For example, consider how Leftists observed that higher wealth people live longer by fourteen years than the poorest on average:

The hazard of death generally decreased with increasing wealth, wherein participants in the highest wealth decile had a hazard ratio of 0.59 for death (95% CI, 0.53-0.66) compared with those in the lowest decile, corresponding to a 13.5-year difference in survival.

A sane person would observe that intelligence generally translates into greater wealth, and therefore, probably comes from a place of better genetics than lower intelligence and poverty. Healthier people get richer. But to the Leftist, this data means that we should embrace full Communism and redistribute wealth:

A simulated wealth distribution of perfect equality would increase populationwide median longevity by 2.2 years (95% CI, 2.2-2.3 years), fully closing the mortality gap between the US and the OECD average. A simulated minimum inheritance proposal would increase populationwide median longevity by 1.7 years; a simulated wealth distribution similar to Japan’s would increase populationwide median longevity by 1.2 years; and a simulated baby bonds proposal would increase populationwide median longevity by 1.0 year.

These findings suggest that wealth inequality in the US is associated with significant inequities in survival. Wealth redistribution policies may substantially reduce those inequities and increase population longevity.

What is the cause of wealth inequality? A lack of wealth, so you give them money, and now they are wealthy. Simple!

In other words, we make people equal through force, and this cures not just the effect of inequality, but its cause, which is assumed to be deliberate, although this seems to be some kind of superstition. People who believe in equality make a Satan of inequality and treat him like a primitive tribal evil deity. It’s very 40k BCE.

If you spot antiwhitism in the world, you are seeing egalitarianism in action. The permanently unhappy people in the world want revenge on those who are happy. The happy people are those who have found purpose in the real world, so the unhappy ones turn against the real world and its order, and instead want equality so that no one can rise above the herd.

The secret to the herd is that it is composed of a fungible mass of individualists. Each wants to be given things just for being alive, and for others to pay for those, while restraining others from getting ahead, except for “champions of The People” of course! Individualists form herds; real people who see the whole of reality have no need for herds.

Herds always target whoever is happy and successful, which means power and wealth to most of them. They killed the Kings for being natural leaders. They target The Rich for rising above the herd. Then they trot out the endless hobgoblins and demon-ikons like The Whites for daring to succeed and be happy.

Whites join other scapegoated groups in this category. A scapegoat is anyone you can make into a symbol for all that is wrong in the world. The Jews are an old scapegoat, even if everyone would prefer they all go back to the middle east. Satanists often get scapegoated, as do homosexuals, when the kids turn out messed up from public schooling or whatever.

Strictly speaking, the herd is not anti-White. However, since Whites — Anglo-Saxon Pioneers — are the founding group of this country, they will always be a scapegoat, and the herd will want to guillotine them. If not, the herd will designate them kulaks and discriminate against them, stealing from them while depending upon them.

You are going to hear from your fellow humans how Whites ruined the world, enslaved everyone, and made them all poor. But they were ruined, poor, and enslaved before Whites got there; the herd simply resents Western Civilization and its only group, ethnic Western Europeans, for having achieved success and happiness.

Like the One Ring, this resentment betrays them, because when you spend all your time hating White people, you spend less on yourself. Like the Palestinians who would rather wage futile jihad against Israel than develop a functional economy. Or Russia which would rather invade Ukraine than upgrade itself to first-world status.

Antiwhitism is the easy answer, and Crowds love easy answers. If most people are unhappy and unsuccessful, blame the successful so we can take their stuff, rape their women, and kill their kids, then the herd can feel better about itself. That’s the level of logic going on here. They are not anti-White, just anti-reality.

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