Fascism stood out in history as both a unique attitude and a relatively period-typical system. Like National Socialism, it built on the Communist model, altering it to make it swing in a Right-wing direction, or so it was hoped.
As an attitude, however, it came to us from a primal time before Leftist ideas had any kind of currency. Fascism bases its power on localization, meaning that it localizes social costs to the actors involved.
Leftism, on the other hand, externalizes social costs, so everyone bears the burden in order to keep individuals free of troublesome rules. To a Leftist, a loss of life is tragic, even if that life was a bad one.
Fascists emphasize a strong masculine view of the world in which there are good people and targets. Good people are those who do the constructive, whether in simple jobs or creative ways, and bad are the ones who impede this in any way.
A fascist does not care about mental state. Someone who does bad may not mean to do so, but tell that to the father of a child killed by automobile accident, or the mother of the victim of accidental gunfire.
Fascists want the natural order, which means a hierarchy based on competence and natural selection, or promoting the good and killing off the bad, leaving those in the middle to muddle along as best they can.
In a fascist state of mind, clear signaling about what will be rewarded is most important. People must know what they must do in order to both succeed and achieve the esteem of their fellows.
Leftist societies, based in the individual and not natural order, view such signaling as “fascist” because it impinges upon the ultimate free choice of the individual.
Fascism includes biological determinism, or the recognition that you are born with a certain set of skills and inclinations determined by genetics. You are what your nature is, and your nature existed before you did.
Within that framework, you can make choices, but these are limited by what you can know, so it is unfair and unjust to expect peasants to understand issues of state, or the middle class to absorb culture. That is like asking a fork to be a spoon.
Ultimately, we have two general choices for political direction, and everything else branches from these; no matter how many “third methods” are invented, all of them follow one of the branches.
The first branch is realism, or paying attention to results in reality outside of human judgments, feelings, and desires; the second is individualism in the person and utilitarianism in groups, or belief that the judgments, feelings, and desires of human individuals matter more than social order, tradition, or natural order.
We will hopefully never enter an uppercase Fascist time, since Fascism like all systems descended even obliquely from Communism is an utter failure, but we are entering a (lowercase) fascist time, or one in which nature trumps individualism.
People no longer believe in democratic government, having seen that supporting all individuals renders us unable to make necessary choices, which means that democracy is slow decay like individualism, atheism, and any society made easy by jobs and consumerism.
We want a more fascist time. We want the ability to shoot anyone who threatens us, without having to retreat and play nice. We want an end to constant compromise. We want society to have a direction and individuals to fall into line.
As democracy fades in a miasma of debt, pollution, criminality, promiscuity, and instability, we turn from the idea that humans are good and humans in groups make good decisions. We want to separate the good from the bad again, and to lose the bad forever.
Tags: fascism, natural selection