
Furthest Right

Why Kids Are Estranging Their Narcissistic Parents

Diversity destroys everything it touches. It does not matter what the foreign groups are, but as soon as you have more than one ethnic group in your society, its ability to hold culture ebbs away, and soon it is in full-blown decay. The West encountered its first diversity living among it over a thousand years ago and decline has intensified as diversity has.

Societies in the grip of diversity are on a trajectory toward third-world status, but this takes some time, so the frogs boil without noticing anything but an incremental warmth. As Robert Putnam notes, diversity causes us to have no idea what society expects, so we retreat from it and “hunker down” in our apartments, hobbies, small friend groups, jobs, and shopping.

Diversity accelerates the native narcissism of the human being, and in the end, we each become — as Huxley and Houellbecq observed — islands in ourselves. Narcissistic people view others as means to the pleasures of the narcissist, and therefore, uses people. This is abusive.

Not surprisingly, the children of narcissists are ejecting their parents:

Narcissistic parents rarely, if ever, apologize meaningfully to their children when they have hurt them in some way. Instead, they blame their children for the harm, or a nearby party, insisting that, if they had acted differently, they would never have been hurt. Ultimately, to a narcissistic parent, they have carte blanche to act in any way they “see fit,” regardless of how that impacts their kids.

A narcissist fully lives in the Talisman-Scapegoat Cycle, where in order to maintain their sense of themselves as perfect and ideal, they must blame someone else for anything that fails, and appeal to open-ended symbols as a cure for anything that is wrong, so it will happen magically without effort from the narcissist.

If you recognize the voting patterns of people after a half-century of democracy in that portrayal, you would be right on the money. Committees develop a similar pathology. In fact, individualists love groups and collectives because the individualist is never to blame, only the group.

Many of the children of today are becoming legal orphans by estranging narcissistic parents instead of continuing to deal with the emotional abuse:

Ms Liaw is among a group of adults who have chosen to estrange themselves from parents they consider toxic, saying that it was because of years of abuse, emotional manipulation and a lack of affection.

The issue is increasingly being discussed on social media. Young adults are becoming more transparent about their family tensions and dynamics, setting firmer boundaries and trying to normalise stepping away from unhealthy parent-child relationships.

Maybe we in the West should consider doing the same to the biggest group of narcissists ever, the voters, by selecting monarchy instead of ailing and failing democracy.

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