
Furthest Right

Why Is Life on Earth Dying Out?

Modern people create their own problems. They insist on egalitarianism, which engenders the state and its abuses, while transferring money away from the productive toward the useless. Then they end up living in poverty, corruption, and authoritarian rule, to which their solution is… more egalitarianism.

Democracy represents a complete conquest of common sense by contrarian ironism. The herd wants to believe its illusions simply because fuck you, this makes them feel more powerful. They do not have a reason nor want one; you cannot convince them by pointing out that reality goes the other way because they do not care about reality.

As a result, humanity has backed itself into a corner of public opinion. We need more democratization, say our leaders, because their biggest goal is to avoid a Revolution, so they lean Left to pander to the herd. This emboldens the ravening Crowd, and so it pushes society further toward self-destruction because that feels good to the human individuals who make up the herd.

However, democratization hit its high-water mark some years ago. Not only has the “modern miracle” reversed itself, it destroyed us while we were not paying attention, as falling sperm rates indicate:

Among unselected men from all continents, the mean SC declined by 51.6% between 1973 and 2018 (–1.17: –1.66 to –0.68; P < 0.001). The slope for SC among unselected men was steeper in a model restricted to post-2000 data (–1.73: –3.23 to –0.24; P = 0.024) and the percent decline per year doubled, increasing from 1.16% post-1972 to 2.64% post-2000. Results were similar for TSC, with a 62.3% overall decline among unselected men (–4.70 million/year; –6.56 to –2.83; P < 0.001) in the adjusted meta-regression model.

Now consider how this is a parallel to the ongoing destruction of the natural environment. Most likely, by using more than half of the land and seas, humanity has made itself subject to sickness by pollution. This fits with what is happening to natural species as well:

Wild populations of monitored animal species have plummeted over 70 percent in the last half-century, according to the latest edition of a landmark assessment by WWF published on Thursday.

It is hard to trust a liberal NGO. For starters, they cherry-picked the data to include only some species that they monitor. However, as humanity grew from one billion people to over eight billion, our land use massively increased, and this has displaced nature across the board through habitat loss.

Contrary to how the big consumerist political parties are behaving, neither of these trends is survivable. The first will destroy us genetically, the second, make us hate ourselves for being murderers of nature. And yet, can democracy even talk about these issues? Not in any way that is consequential or public, apparently.

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