
Furthest Right

Why Iraq got taken out

There’s a huge anti-neocon trend going on now. Bush and his neocon allies in the media were strong defenders of Israel, but even more, political pragmatists: if you don’t put control of a region in the hands of friendlies, it goes to the unfriendlies.

Saddam Hussein has paid out thousands of dollars to families of Palestinians killed in fighting with Israel.

“Iraq and Palestine are in one trench. Saddam is a hero,” read a banner over a picture of the Iraqi leader and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at the ceremony.
“Saddam Hussein considers those who die in martyrdom attacks as people who have won the highest degree of martyrdom,” said one.

The party estimated that Iraq had paid out $35m to Palestinian families since the current uprising began in September 2000.



A leader of the Islamic militant group Hamas has called on Iraqis to use suicide bombers against any US military force that invades.

He was speaking at a pro-Iraq rally in the Gaza Strip attended by about 2,000 people.

US, UK and Israeli flags were burned during the demonstration, which was otherwise peaceful.


US, UK and Israel are part of an axis that tries to maintain Anglo hegemony over Europe and, as a means to that and for avoiding future Holocausts, to support Israeli hegemony over the middle east.

Saddam Hussein threatened this order and was removed as a result. The Americans were too soft-hearted to simply bail out at that point, which would have left Iraq in chaos but meant a political victory for George W.

Liberals will tell you this war was for oil, but no evidence points to that. It was a political war, and as continuing unrest in Israel shows, it may have sidetracked even worse results as an alternative.

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