The Eurasian Perspective
by Borys
Pay attention to who supports Zelenskyy in the current scandal. His dispute with is with the current administration in the U.S., not Europe. Europe — the EU, NATO, UN, and environs — is supporting him and cheering.
In the current conditions, continuing the war will mean further Russian advancement, seizure of more Ukrainian lands, and further destruction of the Ukrainian economy. Especially if the U.S. withdraws its aid, which accounts for about half of all aid to Ukraine.
This will benefit Europe, primarily Germany.
Still, Europe will not cover Ukraine’s military needs in any meaningful way: they will both not want to do this and not be able to do this. They will send older military gear while upgrading their own, using aid to Ukraine as an excuse to reboot their own militaries.
Beware of those who smile nicely at you while pushing you to quarrel with others.
The Texan Perspective
by Brettberg Stevenski
Yet again we see another botch by democracy trying to conduct international relations. When Russia seized Georgia, Obama should have intervened or at least slammed the barn door extra hard. Implement 100% sanctions: in thirty days, anyone doing business with Russia gets cut out of our economy.
However, Europe is on the tit of Russia oil and gas. Politicians make their money by saying things people like to hear; voters are concerned with peripheral issues only and want positive news. Allowing Europe to freeze without cheap Russian gas in particular will end careers.
And so, Europe cannot act; as Trump warned them, once they get on the Russia O&G tit, they can never do anything that displeases Russia. Even more, they punted on Georgia, and got salty about it, so instead they advanced the nuclear defense barrier into Ukraine.
This freaks out Russia, which views Ukraine as a buffer zone in case the German tanks come back. Moscow is not far enough from Berlin for Russia to ever relax, since European warriors best Eurasian ones on the fields of battle every time. Their only hope is a large land buffer and human wave warfare.
Europe should have known that Putin would freak out. He is after all a form of weak power; he does not have the strong power that kings do. As a result, any insult to his political manhood makes him the lowest man on the totem pole. No one will think he is OG anymore, and his cred on the street would fall.
So MC Putin is going to grab a Glock and fix the problem, even if that results in a failing three-year war that has only taken a portion of Ukrainian territory. He debunked the myth of the Russian military as somehow more competent than just about anyone. The Afghan mujahideen are laughing still.
Europe knows that the longer and bloodier the mess in Ukraine becomes, the weaker Russia becomes, and they want to bleed Putain until he gets ejected. They do this because they are Die Roboter, which is what happens to people when they lose kings, culture, and genetics: they follow the ideological precedent.
In this case, that precedent is democracy. Putain de Salope does not like democracy, so he must be dethroned, and then… uh and then we are back in 1993 when Bill Clinton punted on the Russia question like Obama would later punt on the Georgia question. Funny how both Clinton and Obama have Irish blood, but I digress.
Trump recognizes he just got handed WWI 2.0 in the form of “security guarantees” that are going to obligate Europe to war. The European conventional thinking is that if everyone goes in together, like the Allies in WW2, Europe will prevail, but they forget they are fighting an enemy with ten million bullet catchers to lose.
Consequently, he is offering Putain a concession: Zelenskyy gets dethroned, Russia stops the war, NATO rolls back its nuclear buffer, and then we negotiate for the occupied territories. Russia will want back into the Western economic system once the tariffs on China and India kick in, at least.
What he does not want is to have Zelenskyy throw Europe and the USA into a war against Russia, because Trump knows Putain is secretly weak; he knows this because Putitin has threatened nuclear warfare in the past. No one does that unless he is worried about losing a ground war.
The Trump plan thus is to throw Zelenskyy, who seems implicated in American corruption, under the bus and to get the war to end and Russia to the table, at which point men can decide these issues instead of these intersex European politicians (who reflect the timorous, neurotic, and bratty benefits-dependent European voters).
Europe realizes that this is what Trump is doing, and also knows that with American military protection going away, Europe will have to fund its own military, which means those benefits states — free education, subsidized housing, easy jobs — are going away. Natural selection is returning to Europe.
Sane people recognize that Ukraine must be free, but that Clinton, Obama, and Biden thoroughly botched this one just as much as JFK botched Vietnam and entrenched the USA there with political restrictions that made the war unwinnable in a conventional sense. If you let the Democrats decide, we get WW3 tomorrow.
Tags: donald j. trump, ukraine, vladimir putin, volodymyr zelenskyy, ww3