We live in a time of near-endless chatter, which we might define as conversation unrelated to the actual problems and solutions that stand before us. People are just monkeys, and they spend their time posturing, trying to be iconoclastic, attracting mates, jockeying for social status and otherwise engaged in activities unrelated to anything but their own individualistic needs.
That is the face of demotism, after all. Every time a group of humans gets its hands on something new, whether a government or genre of art, the herd pours in the door, each determined to use that thing as a means to the end of themselves. In the process, they corrupt it and everything falls apart.
Many people now are finally noticing that diversity is genocide for minority populations such as Western Europeans and Jews. These tiny groups, comprising 5% and 1% of the Earth’s population respectively, stand out because of their relative success not just in finance but culture, technology and learning. The rest of the world wants that prosperity and unless held back with gunfire will immigrate en masse to those countries and replace the native population. At that point, whatever uniquely allowed Western Europeans and Jews to succeed will be lost.
Among the chatter, people ask: “Why do these groups not want to save themselves?” This is a good question. After all, if Europe and the USA threw up a wall, cut bennies and freebies, and deported any people there illegally, the immigration issue would be dead within days. And yet people act as if an invisible force field restricts their mouths from saying this and their hands from acting toward it.
The answer is so strikingly simple that almost none will believe it. Democracy precludes action on real problems. It is a system of government that succeeds because it makes individuals happy in the short-term at the expense of the long-term prospects of the society. In other words, it accepts the inevitable decay, and that the herd will pour in through the door and use society for its own ends, leaving a ruin. Some argue charitably that by accepting this tendency it hopes to limit it, but no evidence for that happening can be seen.
In other words, the invisible force field that is holding us back is a lack of hope that we can change. We know that nothing obstructs the human pattern of people creating entropy by selfishness. As William Blake opines about Libertarianism, there is no hope so long as the Ego is in control:
Shortly after I began my first job in the tourism industry, one of the first sales lessons I learned was that customers are tuned into station WIIFM – What’s In It For Me? For instance nobody buys a drill because they want a drill – what they really want is a hole. When I reflect on the libertarian idea of scrapping government welfare and the minimum wage, I cannot see What’s In It For Me. I am not a wealthy man. If I were terminated from my job (or if my wages were drastically reduced), I would be screwed. This would be of no concern to libertarians, but it would certainly matter a great deal to me.
This shows us the nature of democracy as decay: by legitimizing the individual viewpoint, and enabling the individual to choose its future, democracy guarantees that society will go one and only one direction, which is toward breakdown and dissolution. Europeans and Jews cannot save themselves because in the grip of democracy, no one is considering any policy about what is convenient right now.
Naturally, anyone who has escaped from the mental ghetto of selfishness realizes that if we do not create a thriving and independent society, all that we do is for naught. But this is the mentality of a very few, maybe 1%, who can see beyond their immediate bodily pleasures and rewards. The rest are monkeys in the trees, fighting over fruit and masturbating compulsively.
One reason that movements like Neoreaction offer the idea of “exit,” or creation of small Libertarian states, is so that long-term cost can be reduced to a line-item on the yearly budget. If we had the option to move to an island without bennies and freebies, and could see how much less it cost us and how much better life was, we would immediately demand those things in our own countries via the free market. So goes the theory anyway.
Alas, it is not so: humans are monkeys, and if they had the option for a Libertarian isle, they would move there and then begin to demand bennies and freebies. This is why ancient civilizations had aristocracy and caste systems. The former put the best people in power; the latter ensured that the lower 98% had zero input in decision-making that they lacked the cognitive skills to undertake.
Capitalism usually takes the rap for this process of selfishness but the actual culprit is much deeper in the human psyche. It is our tendency toward pacifism, or avoiding conflict through bribing others as in a business deal, which produces systems like democracy. Then, our egos refuse to allow us to admit that we have created disaster, so we rationalize and resolve to ignore the crisis.
And yet as our ancestors recognized, every illusion eventually comes to a decision point. Do we go gentle into that good night, or do we rage against the dying of the light — and perhaps simply change our dysfunctional behaviors? What comes next will either be predictable slow decline to Brazil 2.0 or something we would consider unthinkable now.
As the author of that piece opines:
Here’s a brief rundown of some general libertarian proposals which will never come to pass (in Australia) — abolishing the minimum wage, eliminating government welfare, legalising all drugs, privatising the police, scrapping public education and replacing government-issued money with privately issued money. Some libertarians in countries like Australia and Great Britain are also hoping – vainly – for the elimination of all gun control.
He believes these things can never come to pass despite having been the standard only a century ago. All of them would lead to a better society — if you substitute “decriminalizing” for legalizing drugs — but people in democracy are afraid to leave behind WIIFM on the dial of their moral radio sets. This leads to the point: before we can solve any of our problems, we need to depose democracy.
At that point, a semblance of normal life can return. And then, we can focus on the real question, which is that of our purpose as a society and where the individual fits within it. But this is a bootstrapping process. Before we can get rid of democracy, we need to gather the gumption and desire to see goodness restored that is required to bypass the silly conventions of our time. For that, we must search our souls.
Blake writes an entertaining article that includes a pointed criticism of Libertarians as “weird” for having impractical ideas in addition to the above practical but “impossible” ones, and in that, he shows us the Crowd process invading Libertarianism. As a philosophy, Libertarianism makes sense; when handed to the herd, they do the usual and turn it into a vehicle for self-importance and self-expression, adulterating it beyond recognition.
Whether Libertarian or not, we all face a practical and moral question in the very near future. Survive, or self-abolish? We now know that to survive, we have to leave behind the teddy bears and magic amulets of democracy and equality. But do we have the intestinal fortitude to do this?
Tags: democracy, entropy, equality, libertarian, libertarianism