
Furthest Right

Whorf-Sapir replaced: retraining Revolutionary impulses with language

It is a sign of a degenerate and disintegrating society when even the “well-bred” or wealthy no longer aspire to fine manners and cultivated speech in private as well as public life, but prefer a world of vulgarity. After forty years of the Cultural Revolution, persons of all classes and professions have become co-natural with the crude, the common, and the casual. The language we hear around us reflects an egalitarian impulse toward leveling all speech and thinking to the most basic and elementary. I don�t need to provide examples. One need only turn on the radio or television to hear the slang and loose tone of everyday conversation.

Many persons have become acclimated to this kind of modern egalitarian ambience where everything, including language, is easygoing, informal, and trendy. When they look to the past and consider the small disciplines of courtesy born from Christian Civilization, such as “If you permit me, sir,” “I’d be delighted,” “Could you be so kind as to wait one moment? “What is the state of her health?” they are amused or even revolted. How old-fashioned! What a waste of words and time�

Why? Because of an egalitarian trend in culture that wants to break with everything — including language — that has form and polish, everything that is elevated and refined. This mentality is worthy of repulse, because it professes a love for what is low, common, and crass. Ultimately, it ends in the modern taste for the monstrous and blasphemous.

Tradition in Action

An interesting point:

Revolutions deconstruct; organic societies construct.

The first thing the Revolutionary does is redefine all symbols so that they have null meaning, and then argues from that nullity that symbolism itself is broken.

The goal of the Revolution is to atomize the population so that each individual pursues his or her own goals, and is easily manipulated with reward and punishment.

This creates a more effective form of decentralized, invisible totalitarianism.

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