
Furthest Right

Who Were the Carpetbaggers?

Human history follows a pattern: a few create something good, and then everyone else arrives demanding their fair share, and soon the distinctive thing becomes the same thing as everything else. It happens to rock bands, civilizations, product brands, even philosophies. All gets torn down by the “needs” of the many.

When the South was defeated economically in the Civil War, its military prowess could do nothing against the quantity-over-quality approach of the North, which emptied its tenements and armed the surging horde with mass-produced rifles for an American equivalent of Asiatic human wave warfare.

The “new Americans” — large immigrant groups of the 1800s, notably the Irish and Italians — played a key role in those who were dismantling the South, which resulted in a backlash in the Occupied South:

The largest mass lynching in US history killed 11 Italians in New Orleans in 1891. And now an Italian-American group says the city’s mayor is set to offer a first-ever apology to Italian-Americans for the city’s role in the lawless murders.

The carpetbaggers came from the groups enfranchised by the overthrowing of the Anglo-Saxon order in the South. Most of the might of the North came from Irish votes and Irish volunteers in its human wave warfare army, armed by its manufacturing base, so naturally it replaced the conquered people with its new types of citizen.

The ensuing rapacious chaos caused a backlash even from within the Union ranks:

Smuggling and corruption were rampant in his new military district, which stretched from Mississippi to Kentucky.

So the general made a rash choice in his attempt to crack down on an underground cotton trade by ordering the expulsion of all Jews from his district.

Despite the war raging around them, Southern planters still wanted to sell their cotton, and Northern mills still wanted raw material to make into textiles and garments.

Naturally this went over like a lead balloon! However, Grant recognized the nature of the carpetbaggers: for them, they were raiding and destroying a foreign land, not their own, and their identity would always be not only separate from that of the mainstream but actively opposed to it.

Groups placed in diversity conditions identify with being outside of the majority so that they can justify their own presence as beneficial — increasing the status quo, diversity — instead of hindering it, like being a majority would do:

Across three meta-analyzed experiments, participants whose religious minority (Jewish) identity was made salient exhibited less intergroup bias than did control participants, and in one preregistered experiment, perceived personal contributions to diversity mediated the effect of condition on intergroup bias.

As the ancients told us, tyrants love diversity because all diverse groups are prejudiced against the founding majority, which allows the tyrant to displace that group and rule over their former nation.

In every diversity group, the mood shifts against the founding majority and breaks down society. Culture is destroyed by diversity, leaving a nasty money-grubbing sort of place where people have no faith in each other. Eventually people stop interacting entirely outside of legal and economic transactions.

If you notice, this is the stage in which first world society is currently entrenched. Ethnic diversity — within the same racial group — created a situation where the horde of many foreigners exploited and destroyed the founding culture because they wanted to erase its genetics. The same is going on these days, just with more subtlety.

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