
Furthest Right

Where All These Black Bloc Protesters Came From

You may have noticed a proliferation of angry, destructive and violent protesters who alternatingly style themselves as anarchists, anti-Fascists, “Black Bloc” Leftists and regular Democrats. You may wonder where these people came from.

The first part of the answer lies in the educational system. It not only produces people steeped in Leftist dogma, but also rewards only the top ten percent of each class because it is producing too many graduates. As a result, there are many college-educated people floating around with few prospects.

In addition, modern Amerika has become unbearable. Its consumer vapidity matches a stringent ideology, and yet nothing seems to work very well, even while everyone is spending longer and longer at work and prices are rising higher and higher. As a result, many have checked out.

This produces a seething mass of people with a reason to hate the society around them and an impulse to destroy.

Not surprisingly, they have been weaponized by billionaires and large Leftist organizations who want to disrupt America so that they can cow the population, and by promising an end to the chaos, seize power.

Throughout history, change has been accomplished by small dedicated groups of individuals who basically bluff the others into submission with the threat of instability. To preserve what they do have, or reclaim that which went away, the population then goes along with them without being True Believers.

Large financial interests want to overthrow governments, culture, heritage, values and traditions so that they can convert the world into an unbroken marketplace. Their goal is to make the world into a consumer paradise that they control, thus remaining in power forever:

My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.

The abolition of nations has always been the goal of those who want power, because excessive power is found by making large centralized entities and then subjecting everyone to the same pressures. This process is called “Control,” and every leader whose intent is tyrannical seeks this because they are addicted to the sense of being self-important and having their will be enacted on the world, which is what one does when fear of death, insignificance and the lack of meaning eat away the soul.

There stands revealed that “new world order” and “globalism”: a worldwide superstate, run by those who are savvy at earning money, ruled by an ideology which punishes dissent and enforces uniformity and obedience, so that some of our species can pursue its vainglorious dreams of temporary immortality.

It may be time to change our species slogan from “Humanity: We’re #1!” to “Humanity: We Have Some Work To Do.”

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