People still do it for that sense of group approval:
SuÂiÂcide atÂtacks—today most ofÂten asÂsoÂciÂatÂed with acts against AmerÂiÂcans or IsÂraelis by MusÂlims—seem to be one asÂpect of a widÂer pheÂnomÂeÂnon in which colÂlecÂtive reÂliÂgious ritÂuÂal fosÂters a mindÂset known as paÂroÂchiÂal alÂtruÂism, acÂcordÂing to psyÂcholÂoÂgists. PaÂroÂchiÂal alÂtruÂism is a comÂbinaÂtÂion of negÂaÂtive atÂtiÂtudes toÂward anÂothÂer soÂcial group and sacÂriÂfice for one’s own.
SuÂiÂcide atÂtacks would be an exÂtreme form of paÂroÂchiÂal alÂtruÂism, said the psyÂcholÂoÂgists who conÂducted the stuÂdy, from the New School for SoÂcial ReÂsearch in New York and the UniÂverÂsÂity of BritÂish CoÂlumÂbia. And when forms of paÂroÂchiÂal alÂtruÂism othÂer than suÂiÂcide atÂtacks were conÂsidÂered, the reÂsearchÂers found many culÂtures and reÂliÂgions folÂlowed the patÂtern idenÂtiÂfied in the MidÂdle East.
This “parochial altruism” explains many dysfunctional behaviors in our own society, like ethnocide, which is probably why our media and pundits foam at the mouth when talking about Islam.