
Furthest Right

What Went Wrong With the Baby Boomers?

Boomer hate seems to be an article of faith among Generation X. In particular, we remember divorces, awkward parent dating, being latch-key kids, and having constant narcissistic manipulation used to steer us toward destruction for the mental convenience of the parents.

In a more realistic view, where we are beyond the confusion that people make of “good for me” and “good for everything,” Boomers cannot be evil; there must be a reason why they are the way they are (or were, since Gen X seem to be suffocating them with pillows and paying off the diversity help to look away).

The Boomers came about after WW2 was clearly won, at the point where the sheer size of America and its industry guaranteed that, as in the previous war, Germany would be overwhelmed. They inherited a world where America was on top and the first world was going to keep growing.

However, the roots of what made the Boomer came long before, probably in the American Civil War, at which point the USA adopted a “modern” government where a strong central state provided civil rights for its citizens in exchange for high taxes.

What followed was a manic jihad against any racial exclusionism, although elements of it lasted until after WW2 but were slowly purged as they were discovered by the public eye. This new racially indifferent state quickly found itself in a diversity crisis.

The original diversity, Irish immigrants, caught the eye of politicos because they would reliably vote for whatever party bought votes. Unlike the Anglos, who had a national culture, the Irish were foreign to this new world and saw it as secondary to their identity as Irish.

Consequently, political machines arose in the early 1800s which rode on this vote to permanent power. This is the model that the 0bama, Clinton, and Biden clowns of today want to follow (note: all three have Irish heritage).

These political machines had a simple rule about immigrants: as many as possible, and sign them up to vote and for social services as soon as possible. This adopted the Third World Model of governance where a few warlords trade favors for allegiance.

Eventually, this explosion of migrants created serious social problems such as anarchists running around blowing things up in order to achieve their workers’ Utopia. This led to immigration restrictions that favored the WASP or ethnic Western European population:

In 1917, the U.S. Congress enacted the first widely restrictive immigration law. The uncertainty generated over national security during World War I made it possible for Congress to pass this legislation, and it included several important provisions that paved the way for the 1924 Act.

The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the United States as of the 1890 national census. It completely excluded immigrants from Asia.

The new law traced the origins of the whole of the U.S. population, including natural-born citizens. The new quota calculations included large numbers of people of British descent whose families had long resided in the United States. As a result, the percentage of visas available to individuals from the British Isles and Western Europe increased, but newer immigration from other areas like Southern and Eastern Europe was limited.

With WW2 however, the West found itself allied with Communism and competing with Communism. Like European leaders, Americans decided to extend some socialist benefits in a hope of beating the enemy, so by the 1930s we had heavy taxation and social benefits, leading to the Great Depression.

The Depression was in fact prolonged and made more extreme by this Leftist style of government since the more money government spends on the population, the more the currency loses value (“inflation”), and therefore people need hedges in speculative investments to ride out the devaluation.

While inflation is normally portrayed as the effect of demand, it can also occur through the stimulation of demand in the Keynesian method, which is basically the modern mixed economy of socialism grafted onto capitalism through high taxes and entitlements spending based in civil rights law.

When the New Deal bankrupted America, its only options were default or war, so the country entered into the second world war. At this point, it adopted a democratic propaganda stance: we offer freedom, while the others are bad, and they are also racist which makes them double bad.

This launched a manic program of diversity which showed by the 1950s the type of propaganda we see today advocating acceptance and even intermixture. Most “progressive” writers of the era envisioned a world federalist government ruling over tan mixed-race people.

If you analyze modern globalist propaganda, it is this same 1930s vision.

Consequently, during the 1930s America abolished its culture, at the time to include demonized groups like the Irish, Italians, Puerto Ricans, Poles, and Jews. This gave rise to what happens when culture goes away, which is that ideology and commerce take over, resulting in salesman culture:

Carnegie became an instant success with the hugely popular How To Win Friends and Influence People (1936). Like most of his books, it revealed little that was unknown about human psychology but stressed that an individual’s attitude is crucial. He taught that anyone could benefit from a handicap if it were advantageously presented. Carnegie capitalized on the American longing for success by selling advice that helped readers feel, and perhaps become, successful.

The point here was to shift behavior from orientation toward culture and instead make it individualistic, which was the goal of the bourgeois egalitarians all along: stop people from thinking about anything but their own personal profit, status, and power.

In the eyes of the intellectuals of the era, only this type of pacifism through mutual tolerance — pluralism — could end the conflicts roiling Europe and breaking out with race riots in the 1920s. They gave up on a future in order to have peace and a sense of moral righteousness.

By exploiting this righteousness to win wars, America made herself and her allies allied with miscegenation and equality, trying to defeat Hitler and other non-conformists by being more liberal than them and therefore more popular in the markets by including more people.

Conventional wisdom said that the more warm bodies there were, the richer everyone would be, so racial integration and international immigration were the new commandments, and culture, heritage, faith, ethnicity, and social class would be abolished.

Most conservatives get their dogma from this time period. They believe in the Civil War and WW2, and therefore are opposed to “racism” even though it means making their country into a third world model. One wonders if any thinking is going on there.

Boomers grew up in this environment. They saw their culture was fading and that individualism was winning, and also perceived that in an egalitarian era, the only way to win is to be a victim. As a result, they idolized victimhood.

Their victimhood took the form of claiming oppression. They did this on a political level with the hippies, but more importantly, on a personal level through a type of defensive narcissism that supposed they were victims of something and therefore deserved something good as compensation.

This worked for them in the workplace where they successfully claimed suffering enough to bully their way into positions of power, in law by finding victims to champion and using that to get themselves paid well as bureaucrats and administrators, and in economics by pandering to the nü-Americans.

In their personal lives, this narcissism created a controlling mentality that they used to essentially emotionally destroy their children by sowing doubt, confusion, and a lack of purpose into their kids so that they could be easily manipulated.

Boomers, people hate you for this narcissism, and it is why Generation X is busy killing you with MyPillows and then slipping the diversity attendant $200 in Bitcoin to be absent until the kicking stops. This is why you are hated.

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