
Furthest Right

What Is Wrong With Liberals?

You encounter them in public. They seem so self-assured, so convinced that they are right. They are pretentious, haughty, arrogant, but they do so indirectly, the “humble brag” type of arrogance where they assert something as right through their good intentions, and dare anyone to challenge them.

And yet, what they advocate is… just not so. When they say the country is doing well, it is not. When they claim the future is bright, you can see that they are just hammering on old ideas that never turn out well. When they say you are wrong and behave like an evil person, they are describing their own behavior.

The secret to liberals — libertarians, classical liberals, Leftists, socialists, Communists, Anarchists: it is a spectrum of the same idea, egalitarianism — is to understand their mentality as a pathology that uses ideology to conceal and promote itself, not an altruistic choice.

Their self-assuredness? This is how people cover up for doubt; they become fanatical and assert themselves more dramatically and stridently. They turn their doubt outward so that they feel in Control, and this causes them to behave pathologically because any cracks in that narrative threaten their sense of self.

As George Smiley once said, “And that’s how I know he can be beaten. Because he’s a fanatic. And the fanatic is always concealing a secret doubt.”

These are people trying to convince themselves that things are going to be okay. They think only of themselves, so as narcissists they are caught in the talisman-scapegoat dichotomy where they divide the world into things that compliment their self-image and everything else, which threatens it.

This occurs because they rationalize from symbols to build their self-esteem. They want to participate in the “good” symbols in order to build up their sense of self, and they fear the “bad” symbols because these create doubt by forcing them to confront actual issues outside of the self.

At the most basic level, they are insecure and unstable. They fear conflict because they suspect — rightly or wrongly — that they will lose. They view themselves as victims of the world, another rationalization that serves to explain their failures as not a lack of ability or knowledge on their part, but an evil and uncaring world harming them.

These are damaged people. They come in several types with their own system of rank. However, what unites them is negativity because they are lacking what it takes to make themselves happy.

As you probably know, dear reader, there are two paths which diverge in a yellow wood. The sunny path leads to the right and consists of dwelling only in human mental spaces, those of yourself or others, which we call the “outer self” because it does no introspection and has no transcendence; it merely regulates and promotes desires.

The thorny path that leads to the left is brutal at first. It requires accepting reality as bigger than human individuals or human notions shared via peer pressure are. It means that we adapt to our environment, instead of trying to force our environment to adapt to us.

The human desire to rise above nature, logic, the gods, and reality itself is a form of narcissism. This is the root of Leftism, which itself is egalitarianism and, to support it, the State:

Left, in politics, the portion of the political spectrum associated in general with egalitarianism and popular or state control of the major institutions of political and economic life.

No one who is actually capable of doing something useful needs egalitarianism; it is the ideology of the parasite. We have to conclude, then, that something is biologically wrong with Leftists, and most of it must have a genetic basis.

Leftists are the waste humans generated by permanent agricultural civilization. They are able to follow instructions, memorize, and draw attention to themselves with unique takes on the topic at hand but they are unable to adapt to changing situations or produce wealth and “creativity” that is relevant.

Look at your average Leftist. They make “art” that is all different on the surface but the same underneath. They work a job where they specialize in being quirky and clever with language. They did well in education which is based on memorization and finding novel takes on repeated themes.

Without ideology, these people have nothing important in their lives. They live in the “outer self” — the region of desires and fears — and have no inner self where they can formulate ideas or analyze their assumptions. They are incomplete people, missing parts of what makes a whole human.

When we see their raging arrogance and urge to dominion, that is not strength speaking, but weakness. They are terrified that the game is up so they are doubling-down and posturing hard. They are unstable, broken people who will kill you if given a chance.

Although this society is so far-Left that it denies this, the history of Leftism is one of misery. Unions raise wages; jobs go offshore. Socialism gives out free stuff; societies decline to third-world status. Diversity makes happy color bars; then everyone becomes a uniform grey race. Leftists do not understand cause and effect because they are in denial.

They are motivated by envy and resentment of those who have what they do not, namely complete profiles that make them whole humans. The partial humans are consumed with bitterness and rage, and they demand to control the narrative as a result. When they cannot control it, they react as if attacked, and then attack.

We can do nothing to help these waste humans. All we can do is tolerate them and have them destroy our society, or put them on boats so that our civilization can take a big stinky dump and be free of the toxins for another generation.

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