
Furthest Right

What is DEADS?

Very few conservative sources will admit that the core of Leftism is egalitarianism, and that the Right favors natural order instead.

Conservatives are so busy trying to make conservatism appeal to Leftists that they forgot to make it conservative. Someone convinced them that the future is Leftist, and off they went, pandering and bowing.

In reality, conservatives support order, which means that we are reliant on the structure of nature and its cause-effect relationships.

Egalitarianism on the other hand is the idea that perfection exists, either through human social engineering or a divine Heaven far from this world, and that we should aspire to that ideal by forcing nature to behave like it.

Those who like natural order on the other hand point out that nature is a series of patterns rather than solely a physical thing; these patterns re-appear over time. They are part of the mathematics of the universe.

Those who like order want to fit into the larger order around us instead of pretend that it is not there and bigger than we are. Nature will always win.

Those who cannot follow this path become individualists. They gather in groups. They all agree that nature is bad and mean, and it should be more tolerant and include everyone.

Then they decide that some things are just so terrible and evil that they must never be accepted. They cannot even be spoken of, except to condemn them.

They make a world out of what is “safe” by discarding what terrifies, offends, or disturbs them. The group enforces this censorship taboo. It thus converts to handling the world at a distance through approved methods only.

The root of civilization decay is right there.

Instead of a goal in nature, the civilization has a goal of pacifying everyone. That means that the list of banned things gets longer, and the problems that actually need dealing with get ignored religiously.

Speaking of religion, whether secular or spiritual, this society invents a religion based on how it has the One Truth and is better than everyone else in some way that is superior to reality itself.

In order to include everyone, and to make everyone feel good, the society transitions to egalitarianism, or the idea that everyone is equal. In reality this means taking from the productive to give to the less productive.

As time goes on, this society crawls more into its own mental bubble and becomes a navel-gazing cult dedicated to symbolism and appearance, so that it can deny reality, so that everyone “feels” good.

Some things appear in that society, and we call them DEADS:

  • Democracy: democracy is political pluralism, or the idea that all ideas are equally important, which naturally de-prioritizes working ideas in favor of new or fanciful ones.
  • Equality: the basis of civilization decay is that idea that people are equal, so if someone objects to everything, the herd must also condemn it.
  • Atomization: people like to believe that they need nothing but themselves, and they should act only for themselves, but this makes them isolated and paranoid.
  • Diversity: every democracy panders to special interests, raising its costs, at which point it needs to import foreign labor to keep its economy functional.
  • Socialism: any egalitarian society moves toward socialism because otherwise it cannot defend itself against the accusation that inequality persists.

And there you have it: DEADS arises naturally from human individualism, which in groups leads to caring more about fears than hopes. In the end, it kills a society dead, and somehow no one is ever to blame.

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