
Furthest Right

“Weird” Versus W.E.I.R.D.

The W.E.I.R.D. countries — Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic — all seem to hate themselves. In these countries, the contrarian ironist position that nothing is as it seems and the conjectural is more real than reality itself seems to be popular.

Despite the many pundits and experts writing, they might as well be trying to fly by clapping their hands because none of them see what is going on. They are too invested in getting positive audience feedback to look analytically and creatively at the situation.

W.E.I.R.D. societies use Control, or regulating the methods that people can consider as solutions to problems in order to change their thinking, as their basis; all jobs do this, and places where it is more important to satisfy optics than to complete a task from start to finish are based in control.

When a society is young, Social Darwinism runs the place. People start farms and businesses or work in roles where they are necessary for production, and the best are rewarded and rise. Once the bureaucracy takes over, everyone works a job and has to advance whatever buzzwords and imagery fool the middle managers, shareholders, customers, and voters instead.

In other words, W.E.I.R.D.ness is a sickness arising from how people handle success. People fear responsibility, and so they create committees and those create bureaucracies, and soon satisfying the rules and doing what “everyone else agrees” is right because it succeeded last time is far more important than producing anything.

Boeing shows us the forefront of this disaster. Slain first by unions who drove away competent management because the process became futile, it then adopted affirmative action and eventually, became an “ideological” company like most of them now. After that, no wonder their planes and spaceships fell apart in flight.

Right now the Democrats are telling us that Republicans are “weird,” but this is classic inversion. If you get caught stealing cookies, the only way out is to accuse someone else. Republicans are resisting the W.E.I.R.D. by opposing socialism and diversity, since these are the basis of W.E.I.R.D.ness.

In a diseased society, anyone without the disease is an odd man out, and the clique of the herd will get together to point fingers, laugh, and call him “weird.” They have no other defense; their ideology is entirely conjectural and, as we have seen over the past thirty years, does not turn out well in reality because it was never realistic.

Their only defense is an offense based in the idea that “everyone agrees” that what the Democrats are doing is the only possible options, usually for the pretentious reasons of morality and altruism, and therefore that not being part of the gang is “weird.”

We have seen this peer pressure before. Join the gang or you are a loser, buy the same crap your neighbors do or you are unfashionable, and repeat the same statements the “smart” newspapers do or you are an uneducated redneck bigot hillbilly who lives in a trailer. Misery loves company and uses peer pressure to bring others into the cult.

Societies die by equality, which is the opposite of demanding competence like in Social Darwinism. Forget Satan, The Jews,™ The Rich,™ and other scapegoats; what kills society is that it stops rewarding competence and by doing so, makes incompetence more profitable.

Our society is dying of equality. We might view the Trump campaign not as “weird” but simply as a desire for the 1980s back when the WASP hierarchy enforced rewarding competence instead of holding people up for their race, religion, poverty, transsexualism, insanity, or other badges of victimhood.

Equality rewards victimhood because equality does not exist in nature, therefore must be enforced by taking from those who are succeeding to give to those who are not. This appeals to the middle manager who sees lots of happy faces (he thinks) as a result. All equality societies do this, and there are no exceptions.

Leftism — the philosophy of equality as political ideology — resembles a cult. It is a mass mania, or a desire to take part in something like a rock concert or stock buy so that the individual can participate in what is accepted as good and therefore be validated as also good. This is the rationalization thought process.

The cult forms because people are individualistic. In groups, they can validate the individualism of each other, and therefore no one has to feel guilty about being selfish. To cover up their selfishness, they invent a fake enemy called “inequality” and blame it for all their failings.

Then they call us “weird” for not going along with their delusion.

Normal people have no problem with charity and in fact, engage in it regularly. The egalitarians, to conceal the fact that they do not do this, instead make it mandatory for everyone to pay into state-funded charity. Misery loves company, and with equality, the misery is shared by all (in theory).

Egalitarians are the waste humans that accumulate as civilizations die. They posture at being harmless and adopt a pretense of altruism, but this is only to hide the nasty opportunism at the core of their behavior. Their cult validates that hidden altruism and hides it behind the idea that the quest for equality is the highest moral good.

Like most directionless or low IQ people, they are Dunning-Kruger narcissists, which means that they are oblivious to anything but their wants in the immediate moment. Something is missing in their biology and genetics which is required for them to be whole human beings that can think of more than themselves in the moment.

W.S. Burroughs claims that viruses were once independent species but lost that function and therefore became parasitic. The same is true of waste humans. Some genetic calamity has befallen them, and now they cannot think like normal healthy people, and instead become parasitic through their opportunism hidden behind the pretense of altruism.

When you see “everyone” pointing the finger and calling us “weird” — or like they used to, calling us “racists,” “fascists,” “Nazis,” classists, elitists, etc. — you are hearing the television talking. The television makes money by selling people confirmation of their bias so they feel good about their assumptions.

We are ruled by the left three-quarters of the Bell Curve, and not surprisingly they lean toward the Left because egalitarianism allows them to continue to be opportunists without reality intervening. They are contrarian ironists; they hate reality and nature and oppose them whenever given a chance. Leftists are plastic people.

If they win, they convert your society into a third world type society. The third world is the most individualistic place on Earth. No one worries about anything except their own immediate needs, which is why the third world cannot produce functional institutions.

Ordinary people seek power as a means to an end. That is, they want to be in charge so they can fix something or avoid some mistake. This is internal power. Partial people cannot have internal power, and therefore are eternally retaliating against nature and common sense because those things show how hollow their fake power is.

Tom Wolfe, Fred Nietzsche, and William S Burroughs would like to remind you why people do anything: for power or peace of mind, and the two are related. Dunning-Kruger narcissists seek power so that they can suppress what they fear, namely reality and through it the knowledge that opportunism is self-defeating for human groups.

When the DKNs take over, they make everyone into lobotomized robots who follow rules and optics such as at a job. Modern people are lobots who are good at following rules and being quirky, but have no capacity for analysis and creativity.

As we see the herd gathering for another “dancing in the streets” type push to convince the rest of us to stay home and simply let the insane take over, it helps to remember that the lobots are the blind leading the blind. They do not care if their actions lead to a better world; they just want to feel better for the symbolism of their acts.

Right now we are in the midst of a media blitz. Anti-racist protests in the UK, the Kamala Harris hugbox in the US, and the crusade against antidemocratic “misinformation” in Europe are all part of this blitz. But when you realize it is simply the W.E.I.R.D. refusing to admit that their system has failed, the fanaticism seems less convincing.

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