
Furthest Right

Victims of Wars for Democracy Day

We gather today to mourn those who were sent off in wars for democracy that did not eliminate any of our real problems but allowed democracy to constrict us further, cementing its power and creating more of the same problems.

Those who fought in wars for democracy believed that they were crusading toward a better future, but what they did instead was to ensure that decay was unavoidable. With each world war, we rushed further into the abyss.

Now the doom has spread worldwide and a mentally diseased species watches pollution rise, heat islands accumulate, ecocide intensify, diversity conflicts expand, immigration consume societies, socialism make people weak, and paralysis descend through the inertia of a maze of rules and incentives.

The herd demanded “freedom” and received an object lesson in why the kings were born to wield power but the rest of us are not.

We now have a choice, as individuals and a herd: more decay, or change course? If the latter, we need to go back to the last working model and start again from there.

This terrifies people because it involves risk and therefore thinking, which is hard, and requires the willingness to change our thoughts, including our self-image. That is scary stuff.

But maybe we have had enough of pointless tragedies, and would like real life instead.

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