
Furthest Right

Value For Money

The pendulum of history swings between panic and greed.

When things are going badly, panic strikes and people run to the opposite of what they had been voting for. The only problem is that it is rarely an actual opposite, more like another version of the same, so they fail and end up racing back to the other side in a panic.

During the rare times where things are going well, people get greedy. Easy money means they try to pile up as much of it as they can, which means they keep voting for more of whatever they associate with the good times. The only problem is that they rarely connect the right cause with this effect, so they vote for what dooms them.

Since the world wars, our government has been ideological. That is, we fight “wars to end all wars” like WW1 on the assumption that democracy will somehow deliver us from all of our human errors. We are fighting for intangible symbols and the tangible benefit of using our ideology to dominate others.

Starting in the 1990s, the greed cycle kicked off. Liberal democracy had beaten down all alternatives, and when the Soviet Union fell, liberal democracy literally ruled the functional parts of the world. All the experts, educated people, pundits, and journalists agreed this was good.

Consequently, everyone bellied up to the money trough offered by civil rights and diversity since those were the remaining area where liberal democracy could expand. It no longer had Russia and Germany to kick around, so it started kicking around Whites and later the Hwites who displaced the actual Whites in the 1960s.

In the 1990s, the Hwites took over with Bill Clinton and quickly made diversity their weapon for displacing anything that was left of the old Anglo-Saxon people. This created a world where government ideological mandates determined what survived. Only pro-diversity people got into office or hired in important jobs.

Now the pendulum has swung back because the diversity society has spent itself into bankruptcy, deficit, and debt. Not only federal governments, but state and local governments have done this; worse, private individuals and industry have done the same. All that money went into the vortex of pretending that diversity could work.

People followed along because this was the new path to great success. Endorse diversity, get pictures taken with the multiculture, and you are judged “safe” by the egalitarian ideology and therefore can proceed into the lucrative career of your choice. Fail to do this… and you get filtered out by natural selection.

This was the whole point of Political Correctness. They wanted to remove anyone who was not sufficiently pro-diversity. As a result, the voters faced choices between options which were different shades of the same thing. A Republican, Dan Quayle, coined or at least popularized the “diversity is our strength” mantra.

Egalitarianism is inherently Leftism. Anyone who denies this is lying to you. Diversity, feminism, transsexualism, and socialism are all heads of the egalitarian hydra. Egalitarianism took over the political system and, during the greed cycle, became the only way to advance within the system.

Simultaneously the Leftists — they inherently like bureaucracy, committees, and other forms of method control — made society into a complete system. You either got the education, jobs, and promotions, or you had to exist outside the comfortable world of insurance, healthcare, paychecks, and safe suburbs.

Jobs became unbearable because with affirmative action, women in the workforce, and the regulatory state, jobs were defined into these very discrete little categories involving little discretion or start-to-finish work. Everyone became a cog in the machine, and no existence was really satisfying.

This seemed okay as long as living was good, but the most recent choices in the USA kicked the system into overdrive with its stimulus packages and regulatory demands like “green” devices, draining income from the healthy economy and transfering it to the diversity underclass which spends it on consumer luxuries.

The system has made the good life impossible, so the pendulum is swinging toward panic. Worldwide, liberal democracies are out of money and out of ideas, ruled by unelected bureaucrats and donors, administered by a new “elite” of the “educated” who repeat the same tired 1930s tropes.

Diversity underclasses spend their money on products near the end of their value chain; they do not add more value, only dump it into existing large corporations who are not developing anything new nor building wealth except for shareholder value.

People are starting to look at government and its endless spending, the 53% who pay almost no taxes, and the actual needs of functional people, and instead are beginning to demand “value for money,” which means government-as-a-service (GaaS) that provides protection, order, law, and stability instead of free benefits to keep the voters occupied.

The libertarians called this one right. The age of big government is fading because liberal democracy took it to its inevitable extreme and the result made everyone equally poor like in the Soviet Union; instead, people want government as a guardian of function in society that basically gives nothing to its citizens except that sense of order.

In a system such as “value for money,” welfare benefits and free public education go away. Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, Medicaid, and EMTALA go away. What takes their place is low-cost living where those who contribute something are rewarded and keep more of what they have earned.

And the poor? Well, what about “the poor”? There are always some who opt for minimal engagement and they would have a cheaper way of life too, with more social order and less crime than now. They are poor now, and they will be poor in the future, but society will no longer sacrifice its productive in order to bribe the unproductive into being semi-functional.

In a “value for money” society, people expect their taxes to be paying for things that directly benefit the people who are doing the right thing. They do not care about the losers in this equation; those, they figure, will rise or not depending on their own choices. The tax treadmill mostly goes away in such societies.

Three-quarters of our taxes go toward the welfare state; the top 20% pay 87% of those taxes. We are taxing the productive to try to fill the infinite abyss of need of the dysfunctional. This has now peaked, and in the latest spate of elections, we are seeing people demand that government show actual utility or abolish itself.

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