
Furthest Right

Unpacking Trump’s Comments on Voting

Donald Trump may go down in history as the greatest troll of all time because he baits the Left the way the Left baits the Right. He does things to outrage them, and soon all they can talk about is him, sort of like how the “Christian Nationalist” right is currently obsessed over the Olympics transsexual Last Supper mockup.

He floated a few comments on failing democracy which were immediately misread because the people online and in media are mediocre and cannot parse context:

“Christians, get out and vote! Just this time – you won’t have to do it any more,” the Republican former president said on Friday night at a rally hosted in West Palm Beach, Florida, by the far-right advocacy group Turning Point Action.

“You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians.”

At that point, with a slight shake of his head and his right hand pressed against the left side of his chest, Trump said, “I’m not Christian.” But he added: “I love you. Get out – you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

His point was that Christians normally stay home from the polling places, suspecting that voting like gambling is probably immoral, but that if they rush to the polls and get him in office, he will un-do the great Leftist vote theft, political machine, and immigrant voting takeover.

In other words, without the cheating the Left is going to lose because everything they do fails, since it was done for a short-term emotional lift instead of being part of a long-term plan based on likely outcomes in reality from actions for which we have a historical record of success and failure.

Trump believes he is saving democracy by restoring its legitimacy and saving it from the political machines, which are part of the cynically-named “rules-based order” (translation: means over ends) coming out of Brussels and Washington. The point he is making is the inverse of what the press has reported.

However, modern audiences are not good with nunance, context, degree, and duration. For example, they confuse “the Jews who were present” in the Bible with all Jews, all the time, and conclude that Jews killed Christ. They think Plato wanted a total state, when in fact the opposite was true.

If you follow the Trump rhetoric, he has consistently said that democracy is being gamed and that he wants to seize power, break the administrative state, reduce the tyranny of civil rights and entitlements, and get America on a path to the greatness that was contiguous with its founding.

That narrative does not play well with the press, which is having trouble admitting that Leftists have been in power for a long time and everything they have done has failed, so instead we get hilarious Hitler-baiting as their attempt to keep interest high in the unlikable Kamala Harris.

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