
Furthest Right

UK Freaks Out Over Immigration Data

Green had embarrassed the Home Office — which oversees police and immigration matters — by publicizing confidential documents showing that a recession would lead to a rise in crime and that it had cleared 5,000 illegal immigrants to work as private guards and one to work as a Parliament janitor.

Police held Green, the Conservative Party‘s immigration spokesman, for nine hours. They searched his offices and homes in London and Kent in Southeast England, confiscating his mobile phone, Blackberry and computers. A police statement said they were investigating whether Green was conspiring to “commit misconduct in a public office” by encouraging leaks.


They’re terrified of stirring up racial conflict. But they’re just putting it off, as it recurs because problems remain. The UK should just admit what every civilized nation knows: pluralism — in any form — leads to disintegration.

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