
Furthest Right

Time to Rename Texas

One of the benefits of the recent destruction of all Confederate symbolism is that it reminds us of the power of names, and how we are a conquered people if we allow the names of others to identify our roots and landmarks. This extends to names that we have given things of an Amerind or Hispanic origin.

Some of these, as it turns out, are not really foreign at all, such as the name of Texas that liberal academics (read: Communists) claimed was of Amerind origin:

When Spain was an imperial power in the region, it wasn’t its custom to adopt native names; the Spanish used their own words. Think about the names of Texas rivers: the Brazos, the Rio Grande, the Comal, the Guadalupe, to name just a few. They were all given Spanish names by Spanish explorers. García Ruiz wondered why the word “Texas” would be any different. So, he went looking for some old Spanish words that might give him some clues, and he thinks he may have found one.

In a dictionary from 1495, García Ruiz found the words “tejo” and “teja” – they’re Spanish words for the yew tree.

The yew trees found in Spain don’t grow in East Texas. But there is a tree whose Latin name literally means “similar to the yew”: the bald cypress, or Taxodium distichum. García Ruiz theorizes the Spanish saw the bald cypress, recognized its similarity to the yew – or the teja, as they would have called it – and used the word to name the place.

We can easily anglicize this and give Texas its new name: Cypress. After all, the growth of various types of cypress tree signifies the landscape of southern Texas at least, which is run through with bayous and rills that allow these graceful veils of trees to persist in an otherwise punishing climate.

Consider how much the personality of the cypress resembles the spirit of Anglo-German Texas:

Once established in the right location, the tree can last for centuries. Most of your efforts when caring for the tree will come during the initial planning and planting stage. Planting a tree that can become as large as the bald cypress is an investment of your time and your space.

You are likely to see the bald cypress growing along the banks of streams, lakes, and rivers in the wild. It will grow in both standing water and well-draining soils. Though it does well in wet conditions, it does tolerate some drought and actually thrives in well-draining conditions.

Enduring, hardy, rapidly expanding, and adaptable trees of this nature define the spirit of a frontier pioneer land carved out in Texas by the early Anglo-Saxon and German citizens who made it into a livable place by working with its native climate and ecosystems.

Renaming Texas would be a first step to something sensible we should always have done: removing all place names, statues, monuments, and indications of Other groups. This even includes the “racist” place names. We need wholesome names from Anglo-Saxon and Germanic languages, not foreign tongues including the Mongolian Amerind languages.

In the same way, wherever our people have gone, they have taken what they found and make it into something great, leaving behind a civilization that all others want to enter. Like Texas, the cypress maximizes a rough patch and makes it into a fertile home to millions.

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