
Furthest Right

The great Swedish civil rights experiment crumbles

According to the annual diversity barometer carried out by researchers at Uppsala University, the percentage of the Swedish population with extremely negative attitudes toward ethnic diversity has increased by 50 percent since 2005.

“It’s not only older, but also younger who are negative,” said Orlando Mella, a sociology professor.

Overall, 5.7 percent of the population in Sweden indicated they have extremely negative attitudes toward diversity, up from 3.8 percent in 2005.

Unexpectedly, however, the prevalence of negative attitudes toward ethnic diversity among Swedish women has nearly doubled from 2.3 percent to 4.1 percent.

The Local

Smarter populations have a hidden addiction.

They love anything that bonds logic to emotion and seems to explain the world.

So when you tell them that all they need is love, they apply it wholeheartedly, and only a generation later notice it’s bad.

The love generations are only now hitting their sixties and having to re-assess their lives. They’re ten years away from seeing reality.

In addition, science is shaking off its long slumber and starting to re-assert biological determinism after it got a bad name from the eugenics crowd. They, in turn, are getting a better name as people notice we’re awash in humanity, and very little of it does anything.

5.7% of the population can be anything.

It can be the 5.7% that bags groceries, the 5.7% that makes bad art in its studio lofts and works as web content managers, or the 5.7% who start companies, lead initiatives, fix problems, etc.

My guess is it’s the latter.

Diversity, civil rights, multiculturalism and other 1968-era programs are old now. They’re so old we can hear them creak. The only reason we don’t say that is so many old biddies are proud of their 1968 rebellion, and they scream when you call them old. But they’re old. We all get old and die.

For some, it makes sense to rediscover the principle that Sweden is happiest when it’s for Swedes — culturally, linguistically, in value and in heritage.

You have fewer problems and a less divided society that way.

The Swedes love their logical-emotional links, and so they dove into liberalism faster than the rest of Europe — and it has taken it longer to prove a train wreck, since Sweden has a natively high IQ, tidy society, almost no wars, and so on.

But now that the tide is turning on multiple fronts, they’re re-thinking government entirely. The Richard Florida model of “creative” communities is crap. The liberal model of education is garbage. The liberal model of social “culture” turns ancient societies into pop-culture, tv-driven junk. They’re rethinking all of that.

The Americans are just starting to learn too. With this election, they’re seeing that their country is hopelessly divided between a small realistic elite and masses of people who want illusions: entitlements, revenge, mystical unspecified “Change,” and so on. They’re going to need two countries, one of which will be first world and one of which will descend into the third world.

History is showing us what the Greeks learned at the time of the Punic Wars: liberalism doesn’t work. It’s society based upon socialization, not reality. Liberalism pays attention to the individual and, because each individual is afraid, comforts that individual by creating absolute rights. Those in turn protect parasites. Society goes down in flames defending bad behavior along with good because it has fragmented into individual islands, isolated from one another in belief, customs, values and eventually, language and heritage. Everything just falls apart.

This isn’t to say that political labels are as effective as some thing. Liberal thought can hide in conservatism. You need to recognize it: it takes a subset of reality, the social viewpoint, and uses it to replace reality itself. Anti-liberal views look at reality as a whole and ourselves as having a place within it; that’s why reality-based thinkers are both conservative, in that they like functional societies based on is and not should be, and liberal, in that they support radical green reforms.

At first, the Swedes were OK with immigration; we are many, they are one — we are the same, they are not, and it’s good to have difference. Later on they saw that it didn’t function as a program, and so would always be a parasite — something you pay into and get no real benefits back from. Most Swedes of course ignored the issue until it showed up in their personal lives, and now they’re starting to turn on it.

The same is happening in France, in the UK, in the USA, across the globe: people are seeing that pluralism, or the idea that you can have a society fragmented into many groups and divergent individual views, doesn’t work. Not it should not work, like a moral argument, but it does not work as a scientist might exclaim emerging from the lab.

And that is the crux of the next revolution, the one that’s just beginning to bury 1968 and its old, hidebound, obsolete, ignorant and unrealistic promises.

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