Frequent contributor Johann Theron sent along this quotation from Britannia Waives The Rules by A.T. Culwick, which is an account of how the British administered their colonial empire, and then reversed course, resulting in the present disaster:
They would rather have shot themselves than indulge in corrupt dealing. They were scrupulously fair and just, and so they were always trusted. They were self-sacrificing, devoted. They lived and worked and played and died with one great ideal in their minds – the Empire. And why? Because they regarded it as something intrinsically good, something which produced order out of chaos, which turned grinding poverty into at least tolerable living standards, which banished misery, cruelty and disease and brought happiness and contentment to their people. Yes, their people, for that is how they regarded them.
They knew it was right that a man should grow enough food for his family, so they made him plant it. They knew when he was ill he should go to hospital. They made him go, and built the hospital too. They knew the river must be cleared to let the flood waters pass and save the crops from drowning. So they turned the villagers out and made them do the work. They knew what was good for their people and saw that it was done.
There was only one criterion – is it good or bad for my people? The administrator had no doubts. He knew and gave orders accordingly and saw that his orders were enforced; and woe betide anyone who dared oppose him!
The fascinating story of high-intelligence societies is how they self-destruct by doing the right thing. This occurs because the right thing becomes formalized, or defined as procedure and centralized, at which point small changes can be made to underlying definitions and assumptions, reversing course or “inverting” its meaning.
As the colonialists saw it, their goal was to become stewards of their new colonies. This meant improving conditions, taking care of the people, and installing social order. At that point, they made themselves irrelevant, since they moved these societies higher up the chain of quality of life, at which point the citizens wanted the next stage: self-determination and autonomy.
In disorder the colonialists retreated, but kept the same mentality. Their goal was to provide for these dependents they had acquired. This led to the idea that if the colonies could not be administered remotely, the same advantages could be offered locally, with the same rule: do what is best to preserve the subjects of the empire.
This legacy lives on through multiculturalism. The white population views itself as being in control, and obligated to care for the Other, only at home instead of abroad. The “one right way” of doing things extends to the idea of civil law, and so the white occupiers enforce on themselves an occupation standard.
Through this inverted process, caused by the reversal of colonial benefits without removing colonial duties, multiculturalism lives on, a zombie remnant of past policies that the voters have forgotten to rescind.
Tags: colonialism, multiculturalism