
Furthest Right

Space Semites

If you are an honest person, you will deal with doubt, which is the way nature prompts you to reconsider your assumptions. This is a healthy thing but becomes pathological when indulging in doubt is easier than making a decision. Part of that doubt will involve what you believe the human future entails.

Speaking for myself, many years were spent considering the thought that perhaps modern society could work after all, until it became clear that this was religious/symbolic thinking based on the hinge of “could,” which depended on a lot of things going very right that were very, very unlikely to go even partially right.

One of those thoughts was that perhaps inertia/entropy would win the day: our society would become mixed-race like Latin(x) America or the middle east, our laws and classical economics would guide it, and somehow it would select for the best and birth a new tan race of superior hybrids.

Nick Land discusses the idea of hyper-racism in an essay of the same name, describing this very possibility:

Gregory Cochran suggests that space colonization will inevitably function as a highly-selective genetic filter, unless extreme political intervention is taken to prevent this:

One generally assumes that space colonists, assuming that there ever are any, will be picked individuals, somewhat like existing astronauts – the best out of hordes of applicants. They’ll be smarter than average, healthier than average, saner than average – and not by just a little.

The most prominent model of such a filter is found in the theory of assortative mating. Strictly speaking, the racial-preservationist culture advocated by ordinary racism is an example of assortative mating, with a criterion of genetic proximity filtering potential matches. This is not why the idea has such currency. It is assortative mating on the basis of SES that has lifted it to prominence, both because it seems unquestionably to be happening, and because the implications of its happening are extreme. (Crucially, SES is a strong proxy for IQ.)

He is of course describing what happened in the middle east: the most successful businesspeople of the Caucasian, Asian, and north African races met and produced an offspring hybrid population, the Semites.

Traditional societies choose people by their quality — an indefinable characteristic visible only to those who have it — and then gave them privileges and wealth in proportion to their duties.

Modern society seems who has wealth, and hands them privileges and duties and proportion to that wealth. This is like all things modern an inversion of cause-effect reasoning in order to preserve means-over-ends methods so that humans feel emotionally and mentally “in control.”

The problem with the hope of creating “Space Semites” is that a mixed-race population lacks culture. You create nowhere people, with no gods and no values, existing only for what is comfortable for the markets or the political system. They do not analyze the world around them; they do not care; all they do is succeed like the “last men” they are.

Essentially this system would end up in mixed-race oligarchy, which would rapidly decay to third world levels:

The former Italian Prime Minister was the inventor of the modern form of oligarchy, in which a rich individual uses his money to buy his way into political office through the purchase of media properties, and then uses his political office to protect his business interests. The fact that Berlusconi used this strategy so successfully in the 1990s was why Italy was never able to engage in a reform of its institutions as it could have done following the collapse of its old political order after the Cold War. This pattern was then taken up by oligarchs all over the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, from Igor Kolomoisky and Rinat Akhmetov in Ukraine, to Andrej Babiš in the Czech Republic (who may return to power this coming year). All of them used their business incomes to buy up declining legacy media companies, companies which in turn helped them protect their businesses.

If we want to think of the future, it is the place where the organic and the technological overlap. It cannot be one or the other entirely. The idea of retreating to mud huts without dishwashers is as ridiculous as uploading ourselves into Windows 11 machines to become AIs.

Culture matters. Culture is tied directly into genetics. When a group consists of similar people, they share the same basic framework of abilities, aesthetics, and tendencies. This means that for them, the rules of society are intuitive and do not require discussion or reams of laws.

Bring in diversity, and that goes out the window, no matter what the IQs or earning potential of the diverse people are.

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