We might call it the diversity arc: when one ethnic group forms a nation, diversity arrives, and at first it plays the victim until it can acquire enough votes to be a “swing vote” in every election, at which point it takes over and displaces the founding ethnic group.
Bantus are not native to South Africa; in fact, other than a few scattered tribes, Black people were not present there until Dutch, German, and English settlers showed up and built a large society which required manual labor. By the 1960s these newcomers were flexing their political power, and in the 1990s, they removed any barriers to their control.
Now we see how the diversity arc ends because South Africa has passed the Expropriation Bill which guarantees that White lands will be seized and redistributed to the Black population, who remain at the lower end of the wealth scale:
President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the Expropriation Bill into law, which provides for the expropriation of land with nil compensation.
The law also seeks to provide for certain instances where expropriation with nil compensation may be appropriate in the public interest.
Section 25 of the Constitution recognises expropriation as an essential mechanism for the state to acquire someone’s property for a public purpose or in the public interest, subject to just and equitable compensation being paid.
This bill is written to sound like an eminent domain law: if there is a “public purpose or…public interest,” the land will be seized with “just and equitable compensation.” However, government defines both public purpose and the value of the land, so it will be taken for pennies on the dollar and given to loyal voters of the regime.
In the USA, in order to avoid this fate, the Trump administration has begun dismantling racial quotas as conservatives have requested for years:
[I]n revoking President Lyndon Johnson’s 1965 Executive Order 11246 that launched our decades-long imposition of de facto racial quotas under the euphemism “affirmative action,” Trump has gone beyond the boldest imagination of any previous administration.
When the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s Title VII — the clause banning racial discrimination in hiring — was debated in the Senate, opponents charged it would lead to racial quotas.
The Civil Rights Act’s floor manager, future Vice President Hubert Humphrey, denied the claim, saying, “If the senator can find in Title VII any language which provides that an employer will have to hire on the basis of percentage or quota related to color, race, religion or national origin, I will start eating the pages one after another because it is not in there.”
Affirmative Action is a classic 1960s-style program that forces business to subsidize government objectives and pass the cost on to consumers, a lot like eminent domain seizures, in fact. JFK wrote the first rule, limited to federal contractors, and then LBJ expanded it and built an empire of laws based on wealth transfer.
For the past thirty years, Affirmative Action has required every business to hire quotas of minorities in order to avoid having the business seized by government, and as a result, jobs have become dumbed-down and filled with busy work and make-work activities.
In addition, costs have skyrocketed, and these have been passed on directly to the consumers, seizing their wealth as surely as if it had been expropriated by a diversity government in South Africa. Bring the Boers to Texas, and continue dismantling human rights law, since natural rights were always better. Repeal the 14A!
Tags: affirmative action, john f. kennedy, land expropriation, lyndon baines johnson, racial quotas, south africa, xo10925