
Furthest Right

Slavery Destroys Societies Like Unions and Overpopulation

Very few people realize: only extreme “racism” can save your society.

The smart societies refuse to engage in imperialism, and similarly refuse to import labor.

As a result, they have $29 sandwiches but last much longer because they have not imported foreigners.

If you want your society to survive, be mono-ethnic. Every other path leads to suicide.

However, as part of this… you have to limit empire and slavery. Both of those lead to trace miscegenation.

In my view, slavery is the most pernicious. Not only is it expensive, low-quality labor, but slavery leads us to disconnect from a sense of what is ideal in a transcendental idealistic holistic sense, so we move to the alternative… individualistic idealistic collectivist egotism.

Slavery turns out to provide low quality labor but few can resist the siren call of free labor even if their logical minds tell them better:

Every fourth inhabitant of Norway was a slave, or thrall, in the Viking Age, according to Jón Viðar Sigurðsson, a professor at the University of Oslo.

These were women and men who had been captured by Vikings during raids all over Europe.

“The Vikings also bought thralls at slave markets that existed throughout Europe. They were for personal use or to resell at markets in the Arab world,” says Sigurðsson.

“During the Viking Age, a large portion of the male population was away on raids or trade expeditions. This meant that the farms lacked labour. The slaves replaced those who were out travelling,” says Sigurðsson.

Let us make it clear: slavery is low-quality labor. If you are a slave, there is no escape until your term is up, so there is no point trying too hard. Instead, desk-shifting is the norm. Whoever does more, gets assigned all remaining work. The few who do something carry the many who do nothing.

It turns out that the Nazis also learned how slavery sucks in terms of quality of labor:

For an unskilled male inmate or a female inmate, an employer had to pay four Reichsmarks per day to the SS, or in the final analysis, to the state. A skilled male inmate cost six Reichsmarks. Therefore, the cost to the employer was lower than that of a German worker or even a civilian forced laborer. However, this lower cost usually also meant much lower productivity from a camp inmate, so that it was only in some cases of good productivity that businesses could expect superior profits from inmate labor. If they had a choice, businesses generally preferred to take German workers or foreign civilian laborers. Therefore, businesses took an interest in camp labor mostly when it was uncertain if other laborers could be found for a particular project.

You could get normal labor for a reasonable price, and they might get it right, or you could get criminal mixed-race morons you have to micromanage for a lot less. It is amazing that so many people fell into this trap, yet German industry self-destructed with this method.

In particular, slave labor led to sabotaging and half-assing, which reduced the quality of Nazi munitions through sabotage and slackerness:

The rockets were quite vulnerable to sabotage during production. All it took was a screw left loose, a bad weld, an incomplete circuit connection – prisoners even urinated on electrical components – and a rocket would fail. Rudolph, being in charge of the physical production of the rockets under Sawatzki, received all reports of potential sabotage. In November, 1944, Dieter Grau was sent from Peenemunde to the Mittelwerk to investigate why the rockets kept failing and found numerous instances of sabotage – which led to his filing a report

In the long term, empire and slavery both reflect the same fundamental problem: diversity.

When you bring in another ethnic group as labor, you condemn your founding ethnic group, essentially abolishing yourself.

This can happen through Rome expanding radically across the Mediterranean, or through isolated states like the USA importing easy cheap labor from nearby mixed-race republics.

Like unions and overpopulation, slavery increases the population while socializing the cost of any individual action, resulting in a society that is mostly subsidy and only rarely achievement.

Perhaps “diversity” is — as is the norm with human justifications — just another way of rationalizing and validating this practice, even though we know it leads to our eventual doom.

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