
Furthest Right

Signs of instability mark modern societies

First, there’s the elephant in the room:

The Earth is in the midst of the sixth mass extinction of both plants and animals, with nearly 50 percent of all species disappearing, scientists say.

Because of the current crisis, biologists at UC Santa Barbara are working day and night to determine which species must be saved.

Cadotte explained that the buttercup is a very unique species, evolutionarily. Losing the buttercup, where it occurs in grasslands, would have a much bigger impact on the system than losing a daisy or a sunflower, for example.


It’s like Sophie’s Choice, but worse: what do we save from a world we’ve wrecked? Noah on his ark must have felt similar angst.

But this issue doesn’t make it into our economics or politics. It remains the elephant in the room that brings despair to us of ever trying to better ourselves, because we feel everything’s screwed.

Yet it could be easily fixed, although it would require decisive action that would upset and disenfranchise some people. Either we do that or die — but many would rather die than violate the sanctity of the individual to be as selfish as he or she desires.

Some 4.4million people – many of them non-criminals – are on a DNA database, CCTV cameras routinely film pedestrians and motorists and the Government continues to plan an ID card system.

Last week Home Secretary Jacqui Smith was accused of planning surveillance on a Big Brother scale when she announced moves to give police and security services access to all private electronic communications.

The Daily Mail

While problems pile up for our future, we are worried about enemies, because they are more tangible than our decay and ecocide.

We have enemies without and now, thanks to multiculturalism, we have infinite enemies within, and individuals can be trusted only to be selfish consumers who fight each other, so here comes tyranny — because we’ve made it essential for the state to continue to exist at all.


White people age 40 to 64 have “recently emerged as a new high-risk group for suicide,” according to the study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Suicides increased between 1999 and 2005 by about 3 percent annually in white men and 4 percent in white women age 40 to 64, according to Susan Baker, M.P.H., of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, and her colleagues. Suicide rates remained the same in Asians and Native Americans, and declined in blacks.


The supposed privileged, who see how the infrastructure works and so can predict more of the future of it, rise in depression and hopelessness. Wonder what they see.

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