Wind farms use the rare earth material neodymium. The harvesting, processing and disposal of this rare earth material damages the environment in the same way that industrialization, overpopulation, and dysgenics.
Writers about ecocide tend to explain that modern civilization cannot be sustained because refined materials must be used to produce common goods, and with the human population nearing eight billion, every human born will require land and resources must be set aside to produce all of these products. As this process hastens, the system becomes increasingly unstable: shortages of crude oil and rare earth occur, average intelligence declines, cities become unlivable, pollution accumulates, and mass death becomes an inevitability.
The three perspectives which deal with this environmental crisis are environmentalism, deep ecology, and real ecology.
Environmentalism failed because it is anthropocentric and egalitarian, which means that it is in denial of reality because it intends an ideology to replace the order of nature in which humans are all equal. The Climate Change solution set offered by mainstream government and media will do more harm than good. It should rightly be discarded by all intelligent persons as moronic and counterproductive.
The coming years will prove increasingly cynical and cruel. People will definitely not slip into oblivion while hugging each other. The final stages in the life of humanity will be marked by the monstrous war of all against all: the amount of suffering will be maximal. – Pentti Linkola
Deep Ecology and Real Ecology moves the true culprit to the forefront. In our human quest for progress, utopia, and equality we have made life miserable, meaningless and destructive. In pursuit of feeding the world, we have mass tortured helpless beautiful creatures; in housing billions of low quality people, we have torn down nature and ruined ecologies that have existed for centuries; in pursuing modern civilization, we have destroyed everything that made human life valuable and worth living.
The systematic destruction of our planet will only be rectified by mass death in real ecology. As stated above, mass death is an inevitability anyway because modern civilization is unsustainable. Death occurs as harsh selection pressures are reintroduced and widespread resources are gone. Deep Ecology makes no assertion of morality or offers a pragmatic solution — it merely describes the mechanics of relaity — when it notes that dysgenics/overpopulation creates ecocide, ecocide in turn partially genocides the human species in self-correcting the error.
Real ecology addresses what deep ecology cannot, namely the realistic courses of action that can be taken. Overpopulation and dysgenics combine to produce populations incapable of intelligent and moral thought. Nature, in the short term, is helpless to the incorrigible stupidity of the masses. Ecocide cannot be stopped, but small pockets of untouched nature can be preserved; intelligent, sane and moral humans can persevere; in the long term, harmony can be restored and nature can thrive alongside a new smaller, smarter human species once more.
The battle against ecocide must then be waged on two fronts: at the heart of civilization and beyond it. Any force that destabilizes or hinders the current system is beneficial.
Any force that works towards the improvement of humanity through eugenics — the preservation of intelligent, sensitive and moral human beings — is beneficial. Simultaneously, anything that works towards the creation of a better, saner, more noble system is good; any action towards the detriment of unintelligent, immoral and senseless human beings is good.
From the perspective of Real Ecology, two viable options exist: self-sufficiency (autonomous living) and political dissidence. For those that practice the former, this involves permaculture, home-schooling, raising livestock, caring for nature, and living outside of mainstream humanity. By this method, future generations grow to be stronger, better and nobler than the current.
In the event of civilization collapse, such individuals stand a better chance at survival and preserving what is left of nature. For those that embark on the latter (political dissidence), this takes on the form of political/philosophical vanguardism, preserving timeless ideas amidst a culture opposed to truth.
This ensures the outreach of modern civilization is restrained and self-sufficient communities are left unhindered by corrupt governments and the consequent fallout of civilizational collapse. Additionally, such political vanguards will be looked toward in times of crisis and if successful in garnering the support of a committed minority can work towards a better alternative to the modern system.
In such future scenarios, improving human civilization and saving nature occur in parallel through methods currently considered “extreme” that were commonsense in the past and will be in the future:
The sin of ecocide will not be forgiven. As human immorality reaches its zenith, as civilization enters its end state when the reality of death faces our fragile society, only then will the great lie of “progress” finally fall and the harsh reality of elitism and eugenics take its rightful place.
Tags: deep ecology, ecocide, ecofascism, environmentalism, eugenics, half earth, monarchy, nationalism, real ecology