
Furthest Right

Satan as Scapegoat and Science

The Age of Symbolism updated the idols and icons of the past by making them abstract. This allowed them to compete with intangible ideas such as the transcendent and made them more believable in an organized society. However, the idols lived on as symbols, and now we have a modern secular religion comprised of scapegoats, talismans, and rituals.

The rituals are approved methods, such as pacifism and pluralism. The talismans are things we consider ideals, like equality and diversity. However, the scapegoats are like Satan of old, essentially symbols that we blame for our bad decisions when we do not want to own up to being delusional enough to make vast errors.

Some try to understand the nature of Lucifer in an Abrahamist context:

So perhaps Lucifer was the first angel who was capable of conscious and active choice, and needed to decide whether to commit to love and join-with the divine plan of salvation – but as a matter of fact chose to reject and oppose it.

Modern Men are similar to this primal situation in that (probably due to our pre-mortal natures) we seem to have been incarnated wit the tendency to attain higher (literally more God-lie) consciousness than Men of the past; and/but this brings with it the necessity of conscious, active and personal choice with respect to fundamental matters that less-conscious Men of the past simply accepted without awareness.

In the Abrahamist lore, Satan is the tempter and deceiver who offers a path other than the one offered by God. Is there a sense of evil in this? More likely of error: what Satan offers is illusion like a mirage, and those who pursue it exhaust themselves in pursuit of something they will never have.

This category of error assigned to Lucifer, Sheitan, and Satan quickly expanded as it always does. Allow government to ban disinformation, and soon anything government does not like becomes categorized as disinformation and then banned. In the same way, humans offload both fears and hopes onto Satan.

Some of the fear they offloaded was the fear of being wrong, and more specifically, the fear that someone else knew better before the Abrahamic religions took over. In this way, Lucifer resembled the ancient gods who were more realistic than moralistic:

…The song has the lyrics ‘Our gods became your Satan and Satan became our god’, because Christianity viewed every older tradition as being connected with Satan. Everything that had to do with earthly pleasures and wasn’t regarded as Christian was considered evil and satanic. So, these two verses of the song are symbolic about what happened when Christianity was imposed, first in the European continent and then the rest of the world, dominating completely the western world and imposing its own version of ethics on what is evil or divine.

If we could assign one god to Lucifer, the Light-bringer, it would be Prometheus, who sacrificed his own freedom to bring knowledge to humanity. Much as the Tree of Life offered knowledge in the Garden of Eden, Prometheus brought mankind fire and in doing so, transferred the burden of its own destiny to man unlike how animals live in a state of nature.

All the other gods were roped in too because they came from an age of naturalism, where the Abrahamic gods were symbolic and therefore purely moral; this meant that they were opposed to the way reality worked and instead postulated a “pure” reality where good and evil were parts of life.

Even in these dark agnostic times we are still seeing Satan be used as a scapegoat for human fears:

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has accused Ilya Zhuravlyov, the director of two medical centers in the Ulyanovsk region, of promoting Satanism as part of a broader campaign to spread LGBT propaganda.

Zhuravlyov, who was arrested in August, is now facing up to six years in prison, the FSB said on October 7, claiming he encouraged his subordinates to embrace same-sex relationships as a form of initiation into devil worship, adding a sensational new layer to Russia’s growing crackdown on the LGBT community.

According to the FSB, Zhuravlyov misled people by promising them financial success and career advancement if they adhered to the Satanist cult he promoted.

It is unlikely that Russia actually cares about Christianity or conservatism; more likely, it wants to posture itself as an opposite to the modern atheistic, liberalized, and anarchic West. To them, “Satanic” simply means the unwanted, much as to the early Christians the ancient Nordic, Greek, Hindu, and Roman gods were undesired.

Abrahamism posited instead that all individuals were basically the same and could be shaped by rules, like in a bureaucracy, to behave as if they were all good people. This fiction of equality required that some external scapegoat be found for all bad human behaviors.

We continue that in secular form with the theory of externalization which holds that humans are not responsible for their actions if they have experienced hardship:

Strain Theory, in sociology, proposal that pressure derived from social factors, such as lack of income or lack of quality education, drives individuals to commit crime.

Classic strain theories focused primarily on disadvantaged groups, wherein common aspirations (e.g., realizing the “American dream”) and the inability to achieve those goals was considered a driving factor behind crime. Individuals whose incomes placed them below the poverty threshold, for example, were unable to realize common, socially accepted ambitions through legal means, and thus they were forced down a path of criminal behaviour to achieve their goals.

Our new Satan is poverty or anything else which restrains the unlimited self-expression of the individual. Yet like Prometheus, these limits force us to know our world and through it, ourselves. It is as if both primitive mysticism and modern science fear that knowledge much as early ape-men feared fire.

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