
Furthest Right

Rotherham Was “Peak Conjecture”

As we wrote here eight years ago, our elections are now determined by the diversity issue:

No symbol is clearer than what happened in Rotherham in the UK, where hundreds of girls were molested by immigrants and no one would report it for fear of being seen as racist.

Fear of “racism” holds the West at gunpoint: we either accept being destroyed by diversity, or we are the worst evil ever, since the WW2 narrative — which created the Boomers — holds that lack of DEADS is the worst of all sins and reflects on us as individuals, suggesting that we are Satanic.

With Rotherham, Rochdale, and other areas of mass diversity grooming gang crises in Europe, the inevitable cost of diversity has become revealed. It is ethnic warfare. It will erase the host population, whether by violence, political control (the diversity swing vote), socialism, or outbreeding.

Diversity is genocide.

Our embrace of diversity was conjectural. That means that it was based on an assumption: “if diversity is our strength, then more diversity is a good thing always.” This follows equality, which was similarly conjectural, and all the laws emanating from our Constitutional Amendment designed to force it upon us.

The Western world has been moving forward on rails made of conjectures for some time.

With Rotherham, those conjectures collided with reality in a way that was visceral, tangible, and visual.

People saw what diversity is, rather than relying on airy symbols and vague concepts.

Now we are reconsidering all of the conjectures that led us to this point… such as the notion that society should serve the individual (individualism) instead of be comprised of individuals working together toward a goal (culture).

Conservatives offer an opposite to the conjectural, which is that we like time-honored or more cynically, natural selection tested solutions. The conservative (ideally) is a realist:

What defines the conservative turn? A return to disciplinary bedrock, an insistence that the methods and purposes that first defined the discipline be respected and, in some form or other, resuscitated. The conservative turn also, therefore, revives interest in the discipline’s history.

To some degree, the current conservative turn shares the spirit of the “post-critique” movement we associate most with Rita Felski. Both movements recoil from the humanities’ refashioning of themselves as society’s conscience. But the new movement is not a critique of critique, with the contradictions such a task involves. It turns, instead, toward the institutional and disciplinary past for regeneration.

A realist cares only about the consequences of an action in the world around us. He is less concerned with mental perceptions, feelings, judgments, popularity, and appearances. He wants stuff to work, and his goal is the tautology of nature — I exist so that I can exist, the purpose of life is to live — so he wants adaptive behaviors not compensatory or contrarian salves to his emotions.

The first salvo of the conservative swing may come from death metal haven Sweden who is making cautious moves toward remigration:

Sweden is preparing to change the constitution to be able to take away the passports of people who obtained citizenship by fraudulent means, or who are a threat to the state, the government said on Wednesday.

A winning strategy here is to expel everyone who is not pro-assimilation, then cut benefits, and at that point, stop the “hate crimes” laws and let citizens express their discontent. Then offer reparations-with-repatriation and let the resettlement begin. Everyone parts friends this way.

In the meantime, the usual Conservatism Inc voices are raising noise for the hope of a multicultural future. They like to claim that racial unity has come about through the rise of Donald Trump:

Trump’s 2024 presidential victory is the least racially polarized presidential election win since Lyndon Johnson’s in 1964.

Temporarily, this is probably true. People of all races and ethnes saw that the DEI agenda was doing nothing but starving everyone, and that all those great affirmative action jobs came at the cost of America being unable to make much of anything at a price anyone could afford.

However, assimilation is a fiction, even for those who have been here for centuries. Every group has its own genetic programming and needs its own ways. Black people should not be looking in the rearview mirror and seeing White cops, and vice-versa times every ethnic group.

The far Right is the biology/genetics-aware Right. It recognizes the importance of natural selection, hierarchy, breeding, and above all else, ethnic isolation. One ethnic group per nation creates a society that has a chance to survive, but diversity dooms all groups to being absorbed into the new tan mass.

Much of the world is already tan mass and results are quite frankly bad, where more uniformly Oriental, African, and Caucasian countries seem to be doing much better. This suggests that diversity itself, including miscegenation, somehow leaves out traits that are necessary for people to be functional enough to make civilization.

The “proposition nation” — where people are united by laws, civil rights, economic systems, and politics — is conjectural just like diversity itself, and similarly, it has become obsolete. As the Age of Symbolism winds down, people are rediscovering deterministic conservative realism.

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