
Furthest Right

Rape Is a Weapon of War and Genocide

People seem confused as if the grooming gangs in Rotherham, Rochdale, and West Yorkshire were unique, but rape especially of underage girls has been a weapon of war for a long time, as the Abrahamist Bible tells us:

15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?

16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

The whole point is to genetically replace your enemy. When you interbreed with him, he ceases to exist in his original form and you can assimilate him.

This is why immigration, diversity, multiculturalism, internationalism, and globalism are more than just bad policy; they are an attempt to erase Us.

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