
Furthest Right


A realist expects most people to be hamsters. They seek solely some way that they can explain the world to themselves that lets them function the next day. They are rationalizing their position as good at all times so that they can avoid doubt. Their concern is maintaining their mental state, not achieving anything out there in reality-land.

Your hamsters on the Left are repeating an old tired narrative. They want to storm the Bastille and kill the rich people so their wealth can be taken. That is the sum total of “equality,” the narrative behind the Left. It makes people feel better to think that they are victims of the Evil Rich and that they can fix this with murder.

On the Right, we get a lot of hamstering because Right-wingers fundamentally believe they cannot win. Civilization is in decline and they believe this is the Hand of God (HOG) so what can you do? You resist it, but you know it is hopeless, so you give up and focus on little things you can control.

This beaten, fatalistic mentality of demoralization has afflicted realists since the beginning of civilization. When you see that groups by their nature avoid controversial real issues and instead pursue inconsequential symbolic ones, you recognize that the cause is lost as soon as you have a human group.

Humans, like the oxygen which sustains us but also makes our tissues decay through oxidative byproducts, or the stomach acid which digests our food but can kill us, are the source of their own decay. The aristocrats held it back, for awhile, but the insanity eventually piled up and won out.

And so now on the Right we have “copes” for journalism. The writers focus on pointing out liberal hypocrisy (they do not care) or appealing to big symbols like patriotism, religion, and unity. They envision a future just like now except where everyone is Christian and no one mentions DEI except on Muslim and Jewish holidays.

They like to talk about “postmodernism,” which they do not understand, as if like “marxism” it is some magic evil descended from the heavens instead of merely the latest iteration in the advancement of the egalitarian infection. To them it means the notion that reality is arbitrary.

However, reality is always arbitrary to the Left because equality does not exist in reality. It is a human projection, a category and symbol designed to control the world by forcing everyone else to rationalize their actions as being compatible with equality (or better yet, advancing it).

Postmodernism simply takes the idea of pluralism, a form of egalitarianism, to its logical endpoint. If all perspectives are valid, then we must deconstruct assumptions and then consider all of the possibilities. And then what? Postmodernists were fascinated by the idea of convergence, or threads of different perspectives coming together.

The philosophy on this site, parallelism, takes this further by pointing out that all perspectives are relative to the same world, therefore they have shared elements from which we can reconstruct knowledge, after deconstructing the symbols and ideas that have become rationalized into having no meaningful definition.

Parallelism says that we can reconstruct reality by looking at what is true from all angles.

We live in a time blighted by rationalization. To keep the herd together, we have adopted certain symbols of what is desired, and in order not to get shouted down, any proposed action has to be explained in terms of those symbols, altering its meaning to the same old thing, through the process of rationalization.

To the group, the usual sins are not as important as the primary sin of violating what holds the group together. In the Age of Symbolism, we are held together by the symbol of empathy. We care about each other, therefore we let everyone do whatever they want (“within reason” that gets more permissive every day).

Symbolic thinking is the new golden calf that was described in Biblical stories of old. It is the idol worshiped by the herd. We expect it to solve all of our problems, and we blame a lack of it for all of our woes, especially those we bring upon ourselves.

Postmodernism simply says that the golden calf has no inherent meaning; it is whatever we project upon it, therefore we can rationalize anything we want so long as it makes an individual (ourselves) more “equal.” Egalitarianism decomposes to good ol’ fashioned “me-first” bourgeois thinking, just with someone else subsidizing it.

It expands upon rationalization, which says that we change our interpretation of reality instead of changing reality itself. We expand the symbol to include what we want, since symbols have no context and therefore no boundaries, and in doing so dilute the symbol to its simplest form, that ol’ “me first” thinking.

Conservatives need to look at the real target: equality, which means “me first, someone else pays, and there are babysitters.” All of the tenets of liberalism flow from that. But most conservatives are too addled and selfish to ever take this brave step, and so they continue affirming the notions of liberalism out of cowardice.

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