People have no ideas how ideas set precedents. When you get a group of people to agree on a principle, they will then apply that mechanically like a rule or category. They will not think of its consequences outside of the system of rules itself because their careers depend on applying rules rigidly. They are bureaucrats, not legal wizards, no matter what their official titles are. As a result, they always win by applying the rules in such a way that grants more power to the bureaucrats. This means that the Constitution, for example, will be used to defend anything that anyone wants to do, if possible, because that advances the careers of those in law and politics. Even when — especially when — the results are comical in a common sense context.
The more rules we make, the easier it is to evade them. Our law prohibits quid pro quo style corruption, so instead we move to “unrelated favors,” where powerful people do nice things for each other that do not precisely and to the minute correspond to an exchange of value. In this way, we create the deep state: people entrenched in the system, aware that they are not as competent as they seem, trading favors so that they stay in power, all because the voters, consumers, and mob will make them favorites because they provide comforting illusions.
“Assimilation” is an illusion that conservatives whisper to themselves at night as yawning existential despair envelops them. In reality, each group wants to force tolerance for its absurd ways so that it can gain more power, because in a diverse state, every group is gambling on displacing the rest and “winning,” including the white Leftists.
The idiots are competing on the basis of who attracts international “talent,” forgetting that talent is defined by education and not intelligence under our current egalitarian system, which means they are merely bringing in more obedient bean-counters to do what everyone else is doing. All of our economies are fake; all of the value we create is merely hype.
Demographic replacement will destroy not only us but all others who get within its arc. An article contribution of mine to Pendulum.
If you do not realize that this is democracy as normal and it is why the rich and powerful love the spectrum of egalitarian thought from democracy through Communism — it is easier to manipulate masses than convince the credible — then you are the problem. We will get nowhere until we end this insane system that has cost so many lives.
Typical diversity event. We use other groups to prove to ourselves that egalitarianism can work, which is why it is so taboo to notice things like diversity failing in abundant chaos and third-world-style corruption, crime, filth, disease, and disorder.
The Left produces “talking points” like transgenderism in order to unify its base (neurotics who believe that changing the external world can make them happy within, sort of like buying a bicycle to force yourself to exercise instead of using self-discipline) and to throw the Right off its game, because the Right must now spend all of its time defending itself against insanity. The Left chooses these points because they are insane; this forces their base to prove their conformist obedience by accepting a Big Lie, and it leaves the Right with no defense other than saying “this is insane” which is unsociable because that means that half of our population is insane, which while technically correct makes people feel great unease and existential terror. The correct response, as the conservative stereotype goes, is to demand that we wait a few years before making a decision, at which point the Leftists will have forgotten about it, but an even better response is to realize that Leftists are defective people and to exile them to Venezuela where they will be happy.
These are not apologies to people, as they seem, but demonstrations of obedience to the neo-Communist ideology that has ruled us since the second world war.
The Migration Pact is designed to appear like a simple policy statement, but in fact it serves as precedent that will be used to limit future policies. Everyone should avoid it and the toxic UN which produced it.
Headlines lie. Real story: “She told them she was Jewish, according to NBC, but frustrated that densely Jewish South Florida leans blue.” We feel her pain!
Diversity killing diversity, but because the perp is from a protected group, an honest trial becomes impossible because politics taints any judgment. Reminds me of how neo-Communism declared the Central Park Five innocent despite it being obvious that they were the worst kind of criminal offenders. We must sacrifice everything to preserve diversity, which apparently is our founding myth.
[[[ MURPHY ]]]
Social status signaling prole prince marries Amerimulatto and now is surprised that he has run into an even bigger tax-and-thpend graft state than the UK. Watch as Democracy, Inc. eats these people for lunch because we have more diversity to fund than he does, even if he is marrying our diversity to prove his own angelic credentials with the Left, and to honor his own neurotic mess of a mixed-race mother.
Old white dude attacks black driver, calls him a racial slur, then gets punched to death. No charges, mainly because of the assault, but media is trying to spin this into an automatic death sentence if you call out bad behavior by minorities. The intelligent path is to just tell them DIVERSITY IS OVER. This actually infuriates minorities more than racial slurs.
Insane Asian-American Christian gets Darwin Award for attempting to contact a tribe that does not want the pollution of the modern world.
American judge tries to protect Mexico from revelations that its entire political system is bought from top to bottom. Mexicans shrug, being aware of this, since the entire third world is this corrupt. Americans cower at the thought of the American officials that El Chapo will name next. Personally, it seems to me that despite the high body count, El Chapo did a better job of running Mexico than democracy, so he and El Mayo should be given dictator status. Americans can either produce their own drugs or stop taking so many drugs if this bothers them. I mean, seriously, get control of yourselves. Growing weed is cheap and easy if you have an attention span, which 99% of stoners do not.
This is the Left: mental health issues everywhere.
Prison gang that wanted to admit black members is “white supremacist” just like the multiracial Proud Boys, no doubt.
The crowd ruins everything it touches.
Looks like the myth of white men as being the most intense serial killers has fallen. A mulatto captures the throne with ninety kills.
When everyone is equal, anything that offends anyone at any time is a sin against our founding myth of equality, and therefore must be punished by any means necessary, with the severed heads put on a pole to warn others to obey or die.
Democracy makes people into islands. Their careers are more important to them than any values they might have, and “family” and “friends” mean people loyal to them in their pursuit of their careers. It is interesting how jobs go hand-in-hand with control which in turn emerges from freedom, as if everything turns out the opposite of how it is advertised because causes are not effects and advertising relies on selling effects as causes.
These companies got huge because of a trend in buying their stock, not because they are particularly good at anything, and now they are strangling our economies.