These attacks distract from the actual quest. It is better that we show up and demonstrate the ability to cause others pain than that we engage in these trivial attacks with miniscule effect and massive public relations power for the other side.
The gunman wrote in his manifesto:
Therefore, there can be no more solution to achieve the goal a complete expulsion of these people from our country an effort, because the existence of certain ethnic groups is a fundamental mistake in itself and the problem is only shifted to future generations.
Translate that to:
Therefore, there can be no more solution to achieve the goal a complete expulsion of these people from our country an effort, because the existence of DIVERSITY is a fundamental mistake in itself and the problem is only shifted to future generations.
The manifesto is translated from German and can be found at the KiwiFarms thread, but it seems mostly to reflect schizophrenia rather than clear-headed policy analysis.
Typical human thinking shows how it self-defeats. We have some rich and some poor, so glom them together and then the problem is gone (but so is the chance of rising above it). We have some dumb kids and some smart kids, so put them together in the same school so the dumb get some smart rubbed off on them (which ensures smart kids are bored). Our pursuit of “solving problems” comes from the viewpoint of equality, which causes us to use the good to subsidize the bad, obliterating the good and creating more of the bad.
The Left wishes to legitimize everything, even for people whose belief systems exclude such behaviors.
The intriguing possibility that we are starting to pay the price for our reckless use of internal combustion engines rears its head. When our lungs and immune systems are weakened by pollution, even an aggressive flu has an easy time killing us.
No one knows who created the graffiti in several incidents which expressed dislike of Asian and African students, but we see this cycle time and again: students push back against constant diversity propaganda and impositions, then the pushback is cited as a reason for more diversity propaganda and impositions, at which point the school implements expensive and pointless activity at the expense of white students, restarting the cycle. Perhaps we need to go back to universities for each ethnic group. A college for WASPs only would be highly beneficial, since people go to college to make lifelong friends and find mates, along with gaining an instruction in the history, literature, philosophy, and values of a culture. Multiculturalism just erases this and replaces it with Marxism.
Free stuff to promote transportation equality ends badly as usual. Maybe instead of trying to subsidize the bad, we should just remove those who abuse things and have a morally-alert population?
The book appears to show caricatures of men brandishing guns under a Turkish flag and women wearing headscarves in a swimming pool.
Reality is “racist.” These events occur.
Humanity has run out of resources for its over-expanding population. This causes people to fish more aggressively, which kills off the fish needed to produce the next generation, and so populations crash. We see it now in the small with this village and others like it scattered across the globe, but at some point, the impact will be more widely felt. It will be fun to watch all these democratic governments get consumed by their own starving people who will blame them for having failed to limit population.
We have no idea who did it, but the usual protests, staged propaganda, and guilt must be flogged about in order to try to put a band-aid on a gaping wound. Diversity does not work.
Of course it is. Democracy sleepwalks into every disaster while diligently pursuing symbolic issues, because those make a public unified. China has bought American politicians and media, and is encouraging both the sleepwalk and the division along symbolic lines. They want to rule the world, but if they achieve that, will promptly preside over a massive collapse along the lines of typical Asiatic empires.
When we give people the power to be offended in order to protect diversity, they will use that whenever possible because it gives their group more power, and gives them the advantage of being victims in a system that prizes victims. While this fashion show is clearly in bad taste like the rest of the industry, clear racist intent seems to be missing.
If that is the case, democracy has just proven that it cannot exist. Whoever buys the most fake news wins. That seems to be how the Left took over, at least.
The evil rich are profiting from you. Rather, they are profiting from your need for cheap food grown in places where it does not make sense to farm. We are going to see a food production crash in the near future, resulting in higher prices and worldwide famines. The future will reveal that the Borlaug food miracle may have simply been a huge, fatal mistake.
If raised with kindness, dogs express love. This love serves a logical function in that it enhances the individual experience of life and glues the community together. The same might be true if humans if they were not raised in a society that views them as treadmill slaves to fund our egalitarian programs.
Any time that the Left says that X is “tearing Y apart” rest assured that Y is experiencing failing Leftist programs and others are refusing to go along with them, which means that X is their only possible hope of escaping the doom to which Leftism subjects any society infected with it.
The more stuff we give away, the more we make the wrong people wealthy.
Obviously not a biased judge, and obviously a political punishment. Obey the equals sign or you will be destroyed, illiterate bigots!
This looks personal, not terrorist; the man was praying in the mosque before he stabbed a religious leader.
Yet another neoconservative reveals his true stripes. Neoconservatism, like all post-war mainstream conservatism especially anything after fake WASP William F. Buckley took over, consists of trying to make conservatism acceptable to Leftists. That train ran out of track in 2016.