
Furthest Right

Oxfam Loves Rape and the Projected Moral High Ground

I find myself confounded by the irony of Leftist Projection. Oxfam became the latest to commit this obnoxiousness. They are a charity that seems hell bent on donating lots and lots of their seminal fluids to underage, impoverished hookers in rectal orifice nations such as Haiti, and The Congolese Republic.

When gay-curious YouTube influencers with self-admitted gender issues spend twenty-five minutes explaining the extent to which Oxfam hires, promotes, and celebrates walking piles of human excrement, it should not surprise you that even The Haitians would prefer that they keep their charity at home.

So how does Oxfam respond to substantiated allegations that their middle-age mid-level executive managers were putting the hate into twelve and thirteen year-old Haitian and Congolese whores? They put out a video.

The video is truly remarkable. It features hateful caricatures of JK Rowling and Andy Ngo, both targets of the Left, and portrays life as a gay person in the West as one long day after another of avoiding stonings, jail sentences, and hateful protests of their very existence.

Not a mea culpa video. A video whinging about how awful the lady who wrote the Harry Potter novels is to LGBTQXYZ Peoples. They could entitle it “Hey, look. Squirrel!” This is blatant and despicable deflection. Andy Ngo may or may not be a sick puppy. That being said, as a YouTube influencer, I doubt he even has the swag to behave as malignantly as these Oxfam degenerates. Money and responsibility don’t build character. They reveal it. Oxfam then yells at the barmy cat-lady who wrote Harry Potter books to deflect from what anyone observing Oxfam sees hanging out there in public.

When a totally impartial observer compares Oxfam to Al Qaeda, it can be hard to discern a difference in how they impact the countries in which they operate. Both organizations claim they are here to save you. They both seem to end up collecting your adorable little girls and trading them with their friends.

There are, of course, notable and very important differences. Oxfam middle management tends to rock degrees from Yale, Oxford, or perhaps Le Sorbonne. Al Qaeda operators may have degrees, but they frequently come from Wahhabi Madrassa Schools. It seems that academic pedigree and social class differentiate between somewhat over-aggressive love for humanity and depraved and detestable rape.

Which then brings into question why these great Leftist charities even exist. Do they really fight hunger? Should it even be their job? The people who run Oxfam sure don’t behave that way. They behave exactly like the corrupt, evil scumbags that have tyrannized humanity since Ghengis Khan formed up his first functional horde.

Oxfam just calls it a charity. They try to convince us that it’s different when you do it to a 12 Year-Old Congolese whore for charity. This is analogous to many of the other Leftists who are here to save us. It gives them an awesome leverage over other people’s existence.

Maybe this is why they project their demonic visages onto poor, hapless Andy Ngo. We all run off and cancel him for saying mean things about gay people, while Oxfam continues to act like a non-profit third-world Dictatorship. This is why the liberal cries out when zhe strikes you. That way, the blind won’t notice until the blows start to land.

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