
Furthest Right

Outrage — Not Despondency — Can Save Conservatives After FBI Betrayal


After the FBI betrayal, the Left is counting on two things: first, the Leftist base will be energized with a sense of entitlement and revenge, and second that conservatives will as usual become despondent and resignedly throw in the towel as they have for most of the past seven decades.

Outrage, not despondency, is our best weapon at this point. If you must have an emotional response, and it is difficult not to be emotional at this time, view the situation this way: the betrayal occurred because government has been so thoroughly penetrated by Deep State manipulation that it is impossible to fix it.

This is why we need an outsider like Donald J. Trump: he needs to go in there and make government accountable to results, in the part displacing the Red Guards who currently rule by ideological purity alone. They say what makes their base happy and then ignore the mounting failures of these pleasant words when put into practice.

If we do not turn away this beast, we will see only more of the same from now until the end, which will not be far off. We will follow the path of Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union and other societies which went down the ideological rabbit hole. All of them ended up in a state of failure because ideology is inherently a denial of reality.

Let the anger flow through you. You have been lied to, betrayed, deceived and victimized by those who are raiding the public wealth for their own personal benefit. Hillary was not a wealthy woman until she began selling political favors for money, and now she is quite wealthy. This is the face of corruption.

Conservatives need to get over their tendency to write off the world as broken and hopeless because idiots are ruling it, and instead, fight back. It takes 2-5% of a society to come together on an idea to force change. We have to be that unit, and to drive these corrupt and horrible people out of our country because they will do nothing but betray us, time and time again, ever and ever after.

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