
Furthest Right

Our Biggest Task

If you are on this site, you have moved past what most people talk about. You have tired of the doofus rationalizations by which the average person lives as much as you have tired of the elaborate excuses and justifications of our education meritocracy “elites.” You are a realist interested in renewing Western Civilization.

Note that I say renewing. As much as it brings pain to write this, Western Civilization as it was is dead, but like the mythos of Ragnarok, death of a civilization is its renewal. All of its institutions got infested by lies, so they must die, and when they are reinvented from first principles, they can be functional again.

As the disease runs its course, these institutions will lose legitimacy in the eyes of those they govern, and over time, will fade away. They will leave behind something more significant, namely a huge population of waste humans who could not exist without a bureaucracy to support them.

Permanent civilizations tend to produce waste humans by making life safer, more efficient, and most of all, a matter of following the right process or procedure. When all you have to do is get a job and a credit card, life becomes too easy, and soon the people of only partial intelligence pile up.

Our first task in righting the West will have to be genetic health.

This is achieved the way it always has been achieved: you set up two areas, and place the functional people in one and everyone else in the other. Eventually, you send the other group on to somewhere else, enslave them, jail them, asylumize them, or simply kill them. You purge the defective.

These defectives are cases of “degeneration” in the Darwinian sense. Without a need to have the ability to be full human beings, they have lost many of the abilities of full human beings. They can follow instructions, buy products, and even reason to a degree, but they cannot understand the why behind what they do. They are incomplete.

Such broken humans end up joining Leftist groups because they are unstable and therefore have a pathological need for power. They understand nothing beyond the face value, so to them power is a matter of having gone through the right steps to get there, like getting grades in school or participation award promotions at work.

These half-complete humans have no idea what they would do with power except to use it to increase their own status, wealth, and power. This tautology exists in their minds because they have no goal over the self: they need power to have power. At that point, they seek more power. They keep going until death or failure stops them.

You can see an example of these partial humans and their attitude toward power in the journalists of today. To them, being a journalist is a position won just like grades. Once they are in that position, they think nothing can unseat them, so they begin agitating for more power by destroying everything else with subversive words and fake theories.

In the same way, bureaucrats view themselves as kings who are given power by the divine right of good intentions. They see it as natural that they expand their own power. These too are partial humans, basically the waste product of a society that no longer needs full people to build itself.

These people tend to be Leftist because the incomplete mind is always individualistic, and an individualist needs the group to feel his power, so he extends individualism to others and forms a collective. Together they decide what is true and try to destroy all the full humans so the partial humans will never be found out.

Like all neurotics, the Leftists operate by a series of bullying events expressed in tantrums. When they see something they dislike, they begin a tantrum of sabotage in order to make the full humans give up and give the partial humans whatever they want.

Unions, revolutions, riots, and even the periodic talking point media blitzes are all tantrums. This is a form of passive-aggressive bullying: do what I want or I ruin everything and you have nothing. It is better to have half of something than nothing, so the full humans get bullied every time.

The goal of the individualist is to make distraction into a narrative. He does not want any goals to exist; his only goal is himself and those who support him. For this reason, he invents constant fads, trends, manias, and panics to keep the herd running one way or another but never looking at where they are.

When the West was healthy, it was run by full humans. Over time, the luxury they provided allowed the partial humans to take over, and they ruined everything. Now we have to build back from the start, but our greatest task will be the removal of partial humans because they are anathema to functional civilization.

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