
Furthest Right


Most of us have no idea what happens after the current system fails. It either becomes a worthless third world state like Brazil or Russia, or it rises above the ruins of democracy into something different.

It makes no sense to say “new”; there are no new political systems, only combining different parts of each, like our current capitalist-socialist liberal democracy based in individualistic civil rights laws.

As Plato said, there are really only a few forms of society: monarchy, oligarchy, military rule, democracy, or dictatorship. In practice, there are only two, monarchy or oligarchy. In democracy, the vote is for sale and you get oligarchy; in anarchy, oligarchy takes over; military rule and dictatorship fail quickly and become oligarchies.

These society-forms can be either designed for the benefit of the organic civilization or created to perpetuate power for the sake of having power, a mentality called “Control,” and that requires exercising power upon the herd so those wielding the power feel safe in their authority.

Whatever system we adopt, maybe we have learned from the past. The name “Osorod” is derived from the acronym 0S0R0D, which means:

Zero socialism. Absolutely no transfer of wealth from rich to poor, from privileged to marginalized, or from any group to any other group. Only flat taxes, only uniform fees, and any money taken from any person must benefit their group and not some other.

You can have either Social Darwinism or Socialism. The former rewards the productive; the latter subsidizes the unproductive at the expense of the productive. That means that Social Darwinism leads to a healthier society, where Socialism breeds more of the unproductive while diminishing the ranks of the productive.

Zero religion. While well-intended, religion is a blank canvas, and the more rules placed on it to limit its consequences, the more easily it is exploited. People find five words in a holy book and spin that into a new psychology or ideology.

Even more, religion is itself backward. Healthy organic cultures develop beliefs of a religious nature as an outgrowth of their other beliefs. This produces a natural progression from material to metaphysical knowledge. Organized religion takes the religion out of culture and imposes it externally.

Zero diversity. Without hating, disliking, or denigrating other races, we can say that we need to preserve ourselves by excluding others. Human races descend from multiple sources, and interbreeding erases the original, as we see with the legacy of genocide by outbreeding in prehistory:

When Homo sapiens trooped out of Africa some 50,000–60,000 years ago, we could not have known that our distant relatives awaited on other continents—and were viable mates. But around 10,000 years later, we encountered Neanderthals, who had been inhabiting Europe and Asia for more than 400,000 years.

Another 10,000 years later, we met the Denisovans, another little-understood lineage that had colonized Asia. We shared a common ancestor with both groups and retained sufficient compatibility to mate and produce viable offspring. Some scientists argue that this ancestor was likely Homo heidelbergensis, though other candidate species have been considered as well. The smaller populations of Neanderthals and Denisovans, as well as those of other yet unidentified hominins, were swallowed by the swarm and contributed genetic variants that are present in many populations today.

Diversity erases what was there, and replaces it with a hybrid. This group lacks the complete trait framework of the original. It also has many of the attributes of swarms: rapid breeding, takeover of ecosystem, and destruction of species required to maintain it.

The human swarm most likely occurred when Homo heidelbergensis migrated into other areas, hybridizing with the Denisovan and African elements to form new civilizations. In the future we will find other groups, like in Indonesia and Southern India, that were also hybridized.

Humanity has been a disaster for its environment and for the most part, remains a low-quality species which lacks the abilities of these original groups. Homo sapiens is probably the result of the H. heidelbergensis expansion, and the quality of H. sapiens varies widely.

Osorod is the formula for a successful society. Preserve natural selection, encourage production, and avoid falling into symbolic logic. We now have to decide whether our future is worth fighting for enough to adopt these lessons of history.

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