Communism devastates places for generations, yet our effete “intellectuals” are drawn to it because it is socially powerful: all the weak unite behind the idea of equality.
People made trillions off of this fraud because people in democracies have become fearful, but even more fearful of not conforming socially. We now see the high cost of a nation of selfish, narcissistic sheep.
These are the new geniuses to whom we have entrusted our economy and future. ZDNet also has a video blaring a familiar sentiment: “Facebook is Today’s AOL.” Try MySpace.
More evidence for heat islands being our problem instead of “climate change.” Build cities everywhere, displace jet streams, and the planet heats up randomly.
The narrative continues unraveling.
Despotic regimes rattle sabers when they are in trouble. Looks like the Chinese economic miracle died when Trump blew the whistle.
The more you vax, the more it spreads. Is COVID-19 the new Jenkem?
Women urinating in public are shocked that someone films the event.
Peak goodthinker signal. In the meantime, everyone victimized by one of these violent clowns who keep dying in police custody has been told, “Your Life Doesn’t Matter.”
Everything is fake, and apparently has been for some time. This is what happens when you design a society around appearances.
Our new overlords must be competent since they keep screwing up.
The Left wants to fire everyone but the goodthinkers, when in reality they are going to end up with robotic incompetents. In the meantime, a solid argument exists for keeping people who have survived the virus instead of the vaccinated, who can still get and spread it.
France has been a disaster since the Revolution, and continues to plough itself deeper by chasing illusions.
This sensible move shows that China has learned from the disaster in the West. Everything is propaganda, so make sure only healthy propaganda gets shown.
In the postwar world, no one wanted to be like Hitler, and now they repeat the rewards of their tolerance. PizzaGate still going strong.
How’s drug legalization working out?
This is (roughly) the same “out of Africa” theory that science has advanced for decades. In other news, diversity keeps failing.
If you want to do business in China, you have to do what China says, even in your home country and worldwide.
Politicians start out poor, so have an incentive to steal everything they can. Aristocrats start out rich, so they have no incentive to steal. Which has more accountability?
Spain tires of the invasion of retired Britons who want to spend their more valuable currency where it can buy more, but in doing so, price out the locals.
1,200 neurotics signed a petition because James Webb was part of NASA during the years when it rejected open homosexuals. Although in my view we should leave homosexuals alone, the last few years of Pride parades, transsexualism, and pre-teen drag queens have convinced many that 1960s NASA was onto something.
But instead of a six-foot-tall white male with a long, red beard who did not live in the neighborhood, investigators said Lucask was a 30-year-old African-American woman who does live there.
Everything is fake. The media keeps running a Civil War era tape in which evil Whites are running around gunning down harmless Blacks, when now we see that Hitler and the Confederacy were right about diversity: it is death.
“Free” healthcare from government means that it is run just as badly as the public schools. The only way to win is not to play.
Leftists find themselves desperate for violent Right-wingers to indict, but have missed the broader mood which is that most of the country thinks that government is a tyrant now and the Right-wing is right about most of what it says.
The Clintons took over the DOJ in the 1990s, and it has been an ideological mouthpiece since that time. Trust no one.
This vaccine, which does not work but seems to make many sick, is an obedience test. The Left wants only goodthinkers in colleges and the good jobs.
Why must children be introduced to neurotic adult problems? It’s how Leftists reproduce: spreading misery, insanity, resentment, and chaos.
The UK wants to make immigration “unviable.” People are noticing that diversity is suicide.
While the media wails about Right-wing “terrorism,” the only real terror targets seem to be Right-wingers.
The purge of anti-diversity opinions continues.
This is consistent with heat being directed elsewhere and not carried to the poles by the jet streams.
In the name of “civil rights,” all must be forced to obey the insanity. End civil rights and you take away the weapon of the insane.
“Woke” culture is just egalitarianism+diversity. You will have to end both to survive.
They come to the West for the free stuff, knowing that we will believe any sob story they tell us.
Some parts of Europe have figured out that socialism is a path into the vortex of self-consumption.
Glad someone is paying attention to election accuracy.
China seems eager to do what Biden wants and vice-versa. This tells us that these two are in an unhealthy dependency relationship using the “Clinton model”: cheap goods from China, cheap labor at home, and everyone works Office Space style treadmill McJobs until they suicide.
Most of humanity does nothing but wail about its lot in life, then take drugs made from unwise ingredients. Our current system is not working.
Leftists keep whipping the crowd to get into a mood for theft and murder. In other news: billionaires have relatively little income, but lots of wealth. It is the value of their holdings that makes up their net worth.
Good. The EU spanks back Apple’s proprietary chargers. However, the audience would have kept buying them anyway, which is the root of the problem.
They “froze” anti-racism resources after noticing that they were Communist propaganda.
Like Genghis Khan, China wants to rule the world before its internal instabilities collapse it. Wait awhile and you will see your enemies float by.
Minor sentences for minorities, while White cops get the shaft. This will not last.
Follow nature: set goals, and reward those who achieve them. That is the opposite approach to the one taken by the bureaucratic-managerial state, which by regulating methods hopes to make warm body bugmen into superheroes.
Everything modern seems to be toxic. Redo, when?
This is what happens with most foreign aid. The third world was poor before colonialism, which means that logically, colonialism did not do it them. Their constant lawlessness and low average IQs sure did.
Oh good, a non-White spree shooter. Whoops, this one just dropped out of the media fast.
Let us hope that Trump and a large population of sane Western European descended people have made it to Planet 9 and are now drinking champagne and watching the collapse from afar.
Increasingly, autism looks like trauma brought on by stressed mothers, usually at jobs.
When there is a cover-up, you know that the narrative is not fully true.
More idiotic attempts to control nature. This will backfire as it always does.
Diversity took over entry-level jobs. Affirmative action means that they always hire the minority over the White candidate.
This is the type of election that Democrats have brought to the USA. “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
EU moron bureaucrats give Russia a monopoly on oil and gas, and now are shocked to find out that prices have risen. It’s almost like these people have zero grasp of history.
For the guy that claimed to be less friendly to Russia than his opponent, Biden sure does what Russia-China wants a lot lately.
People in the past had knowledge that our genetically mixed-up scientists can rarely duplicate.
Roe suppressed states rights, following the trend after the Civil War. Now the states, seeing the federal government out of control, are pushing back.
A generalized intellectual paralysis results from too much imitation of the current trends.
It is not capitalism doing this to you, but the benefits state, which has raised the cost of everything to the point that you cannot compete.
When you form a creepy little community like the Beltway, you get nepotism on all levels.