
Furthest Right

Morality of a Newer Age

Sometime around Y2K, it became clear that what we feared in childhood had come true: Clinton had converted America into a diversity democracy where the only success came through pimping the new diversity regime and businesses based on it funded by government dollars.

Not surprisingly, the seemingly great lifestyle provided by the first Clinton term, dependent on fast money as well as stimulus, came crashing down into the usual permanent malaise until GWB stumbled across a tax cut and reversed it after 9/11, the event that showed us that diversity was not our strength but our future murderer.

At that point, much of what we had focused on in the past just became irrelevant. No point writing about culture, art, and learning when there will be no one left to appreciate those things done well after the great importation of foreign voters results in a mixed-race Eurasian population like most of the third world.

Consequently, many of us turned to writing about politics, philosophy, and religion. Ironically the three intersect on morality and a few other issues.

As a good Nietzschean, but even more a good Platonist, your writer finds morality suspect. There can be only one moral measure and that is reality, or rather results in reality; everything else is manipulation. Altruism, egalitarianism, and inclusion are all forms of me-first individualism trying to avoid conflict through pacifism.

This led to replacing the Abrahamist morality of “good to everyone” with the Darwinian/Machiavellian “good to the good, bad to the bad,” which incorporates the ancient Lex Talionis or law of retaliation. Reward things that make good results, and smite things that get in the way, leaving everyone else alone like a good hippie or libertarian.

In our previous installment, the argument was made that morality itself is immoral, and replacing it with realism gets us back to a state of honest nature instead of all this pretense, social engineering, and control.

Before that even we talked about inversion and why means-over-ends value systems always end up doing the opposite of their intent over time. If you ban some method, the impulse behind it takes place in another form, and this changes the meaning of the words and symbols used to ban it.

Today we talk about potential future replacements for morality. Take for example this

  • Good to the good, bad to the bad: if it promotes the good/beautiful/real, keep it; if it reverses this, destroy it.
  • And if neither, do as thou wilt: social Darwinism and natural selection plus acceptance make something better than tolerance: take people as they are, leave them alone.
  • Get as much sleep as you can: might as well throw in some commonsense logic borrowed from our critter friends. Laziness is good because you need a lot of it to keep your body and mind sharp. Zzz
  • All who may do my rhyme: anyone operating toward the same ends is an ally even if only temporarily.
  • Parallelism: Nothing is real unless it touches not just body but mind and soul. As within, so without; as above, so below; as before, so future. When in parallel, things are grounded to all of reality.
  • Complexity comes from reducing complication: complexity refers to simple structures iterating into bigger ones, which is done through focus on function (form) not method (effect).
  • Ends-over-means: is the only way to ensure good results because it preserves goal and accepts the need to do “bad” things to have “good” results.
  • Altruism is manipulation: it conceals pretense and actual intent. Wealth transfer of any kind is theft.
  • Good enough is the enemy of better: people are willing to settle on what works for now in a specific instance instead of looking for a solution that fits all cases because it is as simple as possible.
  • Judge not, because ye will not be judged: “Judging” others is an artifact of middle eastern religions; just find compatibility toward goals, and worry about symbolic approval never.

The parallelism provides the most complex challenge to moderns: parellelism: as above so below, as past so future, as within so without, as speck as cosmos; mind, body, soul + metaphysical, physical, mental. This might as well be in Greek for most people.

However, it shows us a new view of realism and reality. Instead of looking for singular causes, we look at how to set up patterns to generate the results we want in a looping cycle. We accept nature and self-interest, but channel them toward what benefits the group by benefiting civilization, nature, and the divine emerging from the Earth.

We as a species are probably ready for none of this, and the above is only a small slice. But one can dream because what we have now is in such advanced stages of failure that no one trusts it anymore anyway.

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