
Furthest Right

Math teachers fired, bilingual education stays

Re-spinning this masterturd of idiocy:

The Dallas, Texas, school district laid off hundreds of teachers Thursday to avoid a projected $84 million deficit.

The district laid off 375 teachers and 40 counselors and assistant principals Thursday, and transferred 460 teachers to other schools within the district.

The district estimates that the job cuts and unfilled vacancies will save $30 million. An additional $38 million will be saved by cutting various programs throughout the district.

“The children are going to suffer,” Karina Colon, a prekindergarten bilingual teacher at San Jacinto Elementary, told The Dallas Morning News.

Colon kept her job, but was crying for her colleagues. “I should feel happy,” she said.

So we’re cutting from the top instead of paring out the truly useless programs. Smart. Very smart.

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