While getting Trump into office has been a victory for sanity across the world, the problem remains that this is the first of many baby steps toward sanity — ending the decline of the West — and that not all of these steps are political, financial, or even material.
The Left realizes that they went too far “this time” with pushing transgenderism and diversity quotas on us, but there is no “this time”; the Left does this every time they get a chance, or something like it. They must do this because their ideology is actually a pathology or paraphilia.
Leftists are people who feel bad. Often this is for reasons beyond their control; however, just as often, it is the result of high mutation load leading to mental instability. Many are simply abused children who find it impossible to spend enough time interacting with normals to earn a decent living.
In the past, they would have had nice serf or servant jobs where they could spend most of their time alone, knock off after five or six hours, and go hang out at the pub where misfits are accepted because everyone is seeing the world through the warm filter of delicious beer or mead.
Because Leftists feel bad, they seek to control that sensation by changing the objects that they identify with their sadness. Since their sadness is mostly internal, this will never work, but that makes it simply more compelling like gambling, drugs, obesity, alcoholism, and promiscuity: the more it fails, the harder you repeat the process.
They adopt a conjectural philosophy, based on an IF_THEN statement, in order to find something that feels like it solves all problems at once and will make them feel better: IF equality is Utopia THEN implementing equality will make us feel better. However, this never works, but they keep rolling the dice.
This time, it was transgenders. Last time, it was the workers. The time before that, it was peasants executing whole families at the guillotine. Leftism never changes: it is resentment of nature by the unstable person, who forms groups with other unstable and unhappy people, and uses that to try to “change” reality.
This misunderstands both “change” and “reality.” Reality is not a physical thing, but a set of rules by which mathematics operates; it is invisible and inescapable, like gravity. Change is not based in methods, but in choices and mental state, and it is how we adapt to our world, not how we try to force our world to be a different world like dualism and egalitarianism do.
Reminder: the election of Donald J. Trump to the 47th Presidency is just one baby step of many baby steps.
Not all of these will be political, economic, financial, or other methods of indirect control. The most important will come amidst these and involve an internal direct control of our emotions and a subsequent shift in “change” — our mental attitudes toward adaptation to our world — to be more realistic and transcendent.
Our macrosolutions consist of voting for whichever policy exists within the system that seems to handle the immediate demands of citizens, and the megaproblems are things like societal breakdown, civilization collapse, genetic degradation, environmental destruction, and loss of culture.
Democracy hides away the real issues, but not just democracy does this. Religions based on fantastical other worlds that rule us and to which we go after death have a role, too, but even more, any group of random unsupervised humans will arrive at the same fictions without any evil manipulators present.
In short, the problem is Us, and the answer is twofold: we need a transcendental goal, and we need self-discipline, which requires us to be hard realists who understand reality as it is and are less concerned about our thoughts, feelings, judgments, and emotional sensations about it are.
We can recognize that some people are born to be functional, others dysfunctional, and the dysfunctional choose dysfunctional ideologies and religions to pursue. We can recognize that metaphysical dualism and egalitarianism are both distractions from the path to sanity.
Our minds can accept benevolent xenophobia, or the nature of each group to want to rise by conquering others. All non-Whites — that is, those who are not ethnic Western Europeans — want to conquer and exterminate ethnic Western Europeans. We are a target.
Humans can learn that Right and Left are different philosophies. Right-wingers want order in line with nature, and Left-wingers want equality instead. You can have one or the other, but not both. There is no bipartisan or moderate solution that does not end in a Uniparty or Deep State.
But even more importantly, we need to keep an eye on the goal: a prosperous, stable, sane, healthy, and distinctive civilization that should last for thousands of years.
Our megaproblems reflect a failure to address that need. As individuals, we need to become saner; as societies, we need to become more functional. Hard realism — results in reality matter more than our opinions about it — takes us out of the mental fug shared by the individualist and the collective, a belief in solutions outside reality.
The massive crashing failure of liberal democracy, civil rights, diversity/globalism/immigration, socialism, and symbolic religions that we are now living through (heh) gives us more than a crisis… it gives us an opportunity to set things right that have been forgotten for thousands of years, and can guide us for thousands more.
Tags: benevolent xenophobia, civilization, collapse, decay, decline, egalitarianism, macrosolutions, megaproblems, metaphysical dualism