Today is international Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time when people say “Never Forget” and then immediately forget the real lesson of Auschwitz: diversity will kill you.
When you take a tribe of people like the Germans and put their backs up against a wall and say “accept miscegenation or we destroy you,” they may turn around and create a slave labor program where 271,000 of your people will die from disease, overwork, or murder.
Our problem with the Holocaust is not that we remember it or not like one-fifth of American students, who think the Holocaust was a myth or forgery.
Alas, this reflects terrible decisions by Jewish leaders as well as the Allies. In order to demonize the Nazis, the forces of democracy adopted Soviet propaganda as historical fact, and told all of us breathlessly about the showerheads that spewed cyanide and the six million dead.
Like most wartime myths, this was unbelievable, and the tales of lampshades made of human skin and RJF soap made from Jewish fat were standard Boomer fare in schools but never really doped out as realistic. Thanks to a few brave revisionists in the 1990s, people now have a clearer distinction between fact and falsehood on this historical event.
In my view, the inhumanity stems from the decision to have diversity in the first place and the kill-or-die mentality it foisted on Germans, especially after the brain-dead Versailles restrictions. Diversity arose from equality, itself a product of the French Revolution, Peasant Revolts, English Revolution, Magna Carta, and Mongol influences from invasions.
Democracy failed, but to escape it requires thinking in non-democratic methods. Adolf Hadrian took a good first stab, but stayed within the format of modern governments, creating an unstable bureaucracy and tension between the Leftist and Rightist elements of his third way platform.
Not surprisingly, this produced a somewhat brutal regime, although it pales in comparison to the Communists and French Revolutionaries. This may be the point of the exaggerated Holocaust myth: we must hide the crimes of Leftism by creating a Right-wing bogeyman.
Instead, it makes more sense to recognize that diversity is fatal and will always make one group the aggressor and all other groups in the same nation-state the victims, whether this is different ethnic groups in Belgium, different races in America, or Germans and Jews in the NSDAP.