
Furthest Right

Leap Into Life: “Disparate Impact” Made Affirmative Action Into Enforced Racial Socialism

High Colonic and Colonic Irrigation of Raging Realism #1: Leap Into Life, or Confrontations With Realism!

Heather Mac Donald, who has long written about diversity issues with an eye toward realistic assessment, although she stops short of realistic plans like ending diversity, has written about the crisis of disparate impact in American law as administered through Sec 1980, XO 10925, and the 14A:

The most consequential falsehood in American public policy today is the idea that any racial disparity in any institution is by definition the result of racial discrimination.

If a cancer research lab, for example, does not have 13 percent black oncologists—the black share of the national population—it is by definition a racist lab that discriminates against competitively qualified black oncologists; if an airline company doesn’t have 13 percent black pilots, it is by definition a racist airline company that discriminates against competitively qualified black pilots; and if a prison population contains more than 13 percent black prisoners, our law enforcement system is racist.

Do not get me wrong; Mac Donald is one step short of realistic diagnosis. She will not talk about biology, only about social factors, because people accept those:

We need to face up to the truth: the reason for racial underrepresentation across a range of meritocratic fields is the academic skills gap. The reason for racial overrepresentation in the criminal justice system is the crime gap.

For most people, the only way to understand others is through social class which is a crass way of saying “how much money, education, and social prominence do they have?”

Humans are not very bright — the working class are somewhere between outright dunces and people who do well , the middle class far worse as sophomoric dilettantes, and the upper middle classes generally too clever to notice the passage of time — and they cannot handle biology, time, or history.

They can handle how much they have versus how much someone else has. This is why they assess others in terms of their wealth and status, but see themselves as victims who are never given enough wealth and status. This allows the human to continue rationalizing their behavior so that they do not need to change their thinking, which most people fear.

When they see George Floyd, they think “he is poor” not “he is Black” or “he is vaisya.” They think “he is poor,” not that he has a sub-100 IQ and therefore will always be paid poorly because he makes poor decisions. They think “he is poor” instead of that he is incompetent, probably deranged, and flaky because that is what low-IQ people do.

In their eyes, George Floyd is just like them… except for circumstance. He is poor because a magic thunderbolt from the heavens came down and zapped him with poverty. He is not poor because of his low IQ, abilities, mental health, or diligence; he is poor because of chance, like a lottery or the tables at Vegas.

That is why Heather Mac Donald cannot talk about IQ, race, class, caste, biology, and genetics. That goes beyond what her audience can handle. Only at a disreputable beer-stained place smelling of stale smoke and dubious life choices like Amerika can we break the fourth wall and talk about humans as unequal animals.

This even offends the “racists.” A die-hard Negro-hater wants to believe that George Floyd is bad because he is a Negro, and he is poor because he is a Negro, and the solution is to lock up all the Negroes because they are bad and evil because God says so if our “racist” is a Christian, and because they are untermenschen if he is not.

Sadly for you, there is partial truth in all of these approaches. George Floyd was poor because he was stupid and criminal, full stop. He was from the lower caste of African-Americans, since there are African-Americans with higher IQs than him. He also made selfish life choices at the expense of others; he was a sociopath.

I come from Houston. If there is an ethnic, religious, cultural, racial, or social class group out there, I know good people from this group. This is why I was never an effective “racist”; I see the problem as diversity, like we have in Houston more than any other place, not specific races. More than one race bad, having one ethnic group only good.

It does not matter which ethnic group. The rules do not change because you are White, Black, or anything else; if you have only your people by ethnicity — which is something like “Western European” or Zulu — living in your civilization, you have one of the happy societies that will endure.

If you have more than one ethnic group, no matter how “nice” and high-IQ that group, you will have a divided society. Set up a society of Norwegians and Japanese and Jews — all high-IQ groups — and that society will collapse just as surely as if you brought in ghetto Negroes from Detroit instead.

Worst of all, most people are in denial of all biology because it reminds them of death, death is scary, and therefore they and their friends have a little social pact where they agree not to talk about it (this is called Crowdism). They want to think about happy things.

Because they are in denial of biology, they do not see race, ethnicity, and caste. Instead they see social class. Therefore if their Black or Asian neighbor earns enough money, has the right college degree, and is socially important, the little dunces want their kids to marry that person and have babies with them.

What can I tell you; humans are morons. In fact there are very few who are not total retards, maybe like a tenth of a percent, and we call them “aristocrats” and in sane times, give them all the power because the rest of us will screw it up like a soufflé made from oatmeal.

Because she must sell news articles to morons, Heather Mac Donald cannot talk about the obvious, which is racial IQ averages and how they correspond to genetic differences. She cannot talk about how diversity of any variety is totally fatal to a civilization. She has to offer false hopes to get the morons to focus on the immediate crisis:

The West has liberated the world from universal squalor and disease, thanks to the scientific method and the Western passion for discovery and knowledge. It has given the world plumbing, hot showers in frigid winters, flight, clean water, steel, antibiotics, and just about every structure and every device that we take for granted in our miraculously privileged existence—and I use the word “privilege” here to refer to anyone whose life has been transformed by Western ingenuity—i.e., virtually every human being on the planet.

The West rose because it had Nordic-Germanic/Cro-Magnid people. It thrived because it did not have diversity and in fact was militantly xenophobic after those Muslim, Hun, Mongol, and Bedouin invasions. It succeeded because it had manorial feudalism on its side of the Hajnal line and therefore, bred excellence instead of stupidity.

Its people aimed toward transcendental thinking — which allowed them to be more open-minded and creative as well as orienting toward the good, the beautiful, and the true — because they were Cro-Magnids. This is how they think. This is what is different about them than the rest of the world, and it cannot be taught.

Like most things, nature stomps nurture. Bad nurture can hurt someone and produce a mentally deranged person, but good nurture cannot raise bad nature into good nature. That’s the math, and we either accept it as logical or go down the long sad road of being anti-realistic.

Mac Donald cannot tell you this (she would end up in jail) but our future is not going to be decided by education, laws, money, or social prominence; it is going to be decided by race, namely how much pure WASP DNA we retain in our civilization by sending everyone else but WASPs back home on Boats:

The ongoing attack on colorblind excellence in the U.S. is putting our scientific edge at risk. China, which cares nothing for identity politics, is throwing everything it has at its most talented students. China ranks number one in international tests of K-12 math, science, and reading skills; the U.S. ranks twenty-fifth.

It is gratifying to see Mac Donald tell you things that you have heard around here. We covered disparate impact — a legal doctrine created by the Supreme Court — here and here after mentioning for some time on social media and USENET.

There was also this analysis which showed how disparate impact fundamentally transformed the West to its current moribund state. Given the general attitude around here about affirmative action and the Hart-Celler Act, this should surprise no one.

Very few realize that affirmative action, which would inevitably require disparate impact because all egalitarian policies inevitably take from the productive to give to the rest, was a product of our first diversity president, the Irishman John F. Kennedy:

All executive departments and agencies are directed to initiate forthwith studies of current government employment practices within their responsibility. The studies shall be in such form as the Committee may prescribe and shall include statistics on current employment patterns, a review of current procedures, and the recommendation of positive measures for the elimination of any discrimination, direct or indirect, which now exists.

Sending people out to “eliminate any discrimination, direct or indirect, which now exists” lays down the basics of affirmative action and disparate impact. If there are not enough minority faces, we must assume discrimination, and therefore hire them instead.

He wrote that order on March 06, 1961. Not surprisingly, five years later the economy was moribund because huge chunks of our productivity had been redirected as socialist-style subsidies.

Coming out of the same Irish political machine that produced Tammany Hall, JFK was as much a product of dirty politics as FDR, and dirty politics buys votes with socialism just like sociopaths buy friend groups with conspicuous altruism.

Notice that disparate impact provides a crutch that allows Leftists to keep minorities in positions of power permanently, which Leftists like because minorities vote Leftist,

So far, AAUP has confirmed that of the 66 that have come forward, 15 assistant and associate dean positions have been terminated, and more than 40 positions were eliminated as part of the closing of the Division of Campus and Community Engagement (DCCE). AAUP and the Texas NAACP sent a joint letter to Hartzell April 4 condemning the firings, writing that most who have come forward have been women or racial minorities: “We have concerns that these terminations will have a disparate impact on certain populations, possibly in violation of federal law and surely to the detriment of the University’s reputation.” The university has yet to reply.

Disparate impact means the assumption that people are equal in ability, therefore if there are fewer minorities than there are in the general population, discrimination and “racism” are to blame. It effectively prevents any promotion based on actual ability and replaces it with a color line.

The thing about affirmative action is that it was destined to grow. If you say “avoid discrimination,” you have then created a guilty-until-proven-innocent assumption which can only be defended against by having a whole bunch of diversity to show people.

When they say that your department, company, or social group is “racist,” you can respond with the corporate version of but I have Black friends and point to lots of shining minorities and women sitting at desks with commensurate salaries to the White (WASP) men who built America.

In other words, it is a giant wealth transfer project like the rest of socialism and in fact egalitarianism itself. Equality is not real; it is an illusion if we insist that it is real, meaning mathematically logical, existing in nature, or delivering any real-world benefits (warm fuzzies and political unity do not count).

When you think about equality, you realize that it takes the same form as affirmative action. We assert equality is good, then look around to see if results are equal. If not, you must apply more equality until your civilization perishes because taking from the productive to give to the rest eliminates the productive.

Take a brief look at how affirmative action expanded from a token gesture to the main principle of our government under the rule of another politician who got into power through the minority vote, LBJ, who expanded affirmative action to become a type of religion for all government contracts:

On September 24, 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246, prohibiting employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, and national origin by those organizations receiving federal contracts and subcontracts. In 1967, President Johnson amended the order to include sex on the list of attributes. Executive Order 11246 also requires federal contractors to take affirmative action to promote the full realization of equal opportunity for women and minorities. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), under the Department of Labor, monitors this requirement for all federal contractors, including all UC campuses, and has developed regulations to which these contractors must adhere. For federal contractors employing more than 50 people and having federal contracts totaling more than $50,000, compliance with these regulations includes disseminating and enforcing a nondiscrimination policy, establishing a written affirmative action plan and placement goals for women and minorities, and implementing action-oriented programs for accomplishing these goals. In addition, an official of the organization must be assigned responsibility for implementation of equal employment opportunity and the affirmative action program.

At this point, to get a government contract — or, as the courts would have it, a contract with anyone who has a government contract — you have to hire a diversity staff, have people writing policies, have an enforcement division and adjudication process, and so on. Affirmative action was a government-created industry.

The funny thing is that affirmative action simply followed FDR’s precedent which in turn followed the Lincoln model in forcing integration:

As America geared up its industrial might for what proved to be its inevitable entrance into a global war, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt responded to leaders, such as A. Philip Randolph and Baynard Rustin, who protested that African-American workers were blocked from taking jobs in segregated war production factories. On June 25, 1941, FDR signed Executive Order 8802, outlawing discrimination based on race, color, creed, and national origin in the federal government and defense industries.

By the time John F. Kennedy was elected President, it was evident that to advance equal employment opportunity federal involvement needed to be broader and more proactive. On March 6, 1961, shortly after JFK took office, he signed Executive Order 10925, opening a new chapter in achieving access to good jobs by requiring government contractors to “take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color or national origin.”

Thus, on September 24, 1965, President Johnson signed Executive Order 11246, making the Secretary of Labor responsible for administering the order’s non-discrimination and affirmative action provisions.

We went from an order to war production, to an order to all federal contractors, to a massive federal bureaucracy designed to force diversity into every area of American business. In the name of not being Hitler, we became the opposite: a tyranny dedicated to pluralism by destroying any actual culture.

Every president since has strengthened affirmative action, sometimes adding new victim groups like religious dissidents in the case of the Bushes, but never rolling back this regime. After all, it provides government infinite power and wealth, and apparently the voters cannot figure that one out.

These policies suffer from the bifurcation fallacy among voters: voters assume that to oppose something is to want its opposite. Even more, they assume that the plan that claims to try to do something is the only way of doing that thing, so no one could oppose it without wanting its opposite.

To see how ridiculous this is, consider a bill that allows free suicide by ketamine so that we can all reach the Promised Land in Heaven. If you oppose this bill, you obviously work for Satan who wants more souls in Hell. If you explain that you think that there is a better way to reach Heaven instead, people assume you are merely being a deceptive Devil.

It is the same way with the racial socialism of the Left. They take from the productive to give to the rest. This means carving up the West and distributing it through the genetics of the rest of the world, committing genocide but making the herd finally happy because no one is rising above the mediocre average. Humanity will finally be equal.

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