
Furthest Right

Labor Day

Another exciting Labor Day passes where we celebrate the 47% of us who work all year to pay all of the taxes to keep the rest of the group afloat despite them having no known uses. We are simply a host body for parasites, both highly-paid bureaucrats and low-paid welfare queens, that have lost a sense of their own purpose.

Our “educated” elites think this is great because funding the Keynesian scam keeps “growth” high, and therefore taxes high, allowing society to keep functioning in its borrow-tax-and-spend mode which avoids revolutions by buying citizen loyalty through benefits.

After all, since 1789 it has become clear that the first and foremost job of government is to avoid revolutions.

Almost no one realizes that the problem is not work itself, but jobs/careers, since the latter consists of making other people believe you are doing something important whether you are or not. Jobs are geared toward obedience, since this allows a structure without actual hierarchy to seem like it is functioning, and they waste a lot of our time.

As Michel Houellebecq observed, 90% of what we do at jobs could be skipped with no negative consequences. Not just the meetings that should have been emails, the training and team-building, but most of the tasks undertaken at jobs are not thought through and are unnecessary.

If you wonder what Work From Home has taught us, it is that if you cut out all of the “job” and just focus on the “work,” you have about two hours a day of stuff to do, or less. The rest of the time you can rediscover reality and enjoy learning more about what it is to be alive.

Our society functions as a make-work engine because there are not enough jobs for the people we have, and we keep adding more immigrants. We already added women to the workforce, doubling the rolls and therefore, halving the salaries. We are rushing to invent justifications for having too many humans and it has made life miserable.

I suggest a simple fix: remove every activity which is not necessary, and send most people home to “homestead” and spend most of their time growing and raising food. Let them earn extra money through side gigs like everyone is doing now. Cut all the taxes so that they can afford to do this.

We work to live, not live to work, but because money has been made central in our society by the costs passed directly on down to consumers from taxes and other red tape, everyone gets on that treadmill all day every day, and no one really likes the existence they have, but we are terrified of the alternatives so conformity spreads like rumors at church.

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